An “Intro to NVivo 11 Plus” training is 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9, 401B Hale Library for all faculty, graduate students, and staff who may be using this qualitative (and mixed methods) data analysis tool.

This presentation, which covers NVivo basics, will address the following:
- how to download and install NVivo 10 or NVivo 11 Plus and input the license key
- how to download NCapture
- the basic parts of the NVivo 10 interface
- how to start and structure a research project (including a team project)
- how to ingest various multimedia file types (and curate heterogeneous data)
- how to ingest some social media contents
- how to begin coding various media file types
- how to back up the .nvp project file
There will also be a brief section on some of the new affordances of NVivo 11 (including network analysis and sentiment analysis). NVivo 11 will be available to all who are eligible for the K-State site license. Downloading from the QSR International site (vs. the K-State download) will save on software patching; however, the K-State site license must still be obtained from the protected site below.
The presenter will be using the Windows version of the software. This will be an interactive session. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops. No RSVP is required.
Additional NVivo 11 training for fall semester 2016
- Oct. 14: “NVivo 11 Plus Advanced”
- Nov. 18: “Tapping Social Media Streams with NCapture and NVivo 11 Plus”
NVivo 10/11 site licenses
To access the downloadable software, go to the QSR International Downloads page. The activating site license keys may be accessed at with a current eID and password. Those off-campus and / or undergraduate partners who are working with active and eligible K-State faculty, administrators, staff, and graduate students may be allowed to use the K-State license during the duration of the non-commercial K-State related research project.
QSR International training
QSR International offers some video tutorials and both free and for-pay events.
An additional reference
Those who have already started using NVivo may want to refer to “Using NVivo: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Primer,” which is an e-book built on the Scalar platform that highlights various features of the software tool.
If there are questions, please email or call 785-532-5262. Thank you for your interest.