Kansas State University


IT News

Phishing scam targets remote workers

Scam Alert!As employees continue to work remotely, cyber-attacks are on the rise. The latest attack is the “Return to Office” phishing scam. This scam has already targeted 100,000 inboxes.

Scammers are sending email messages to individuals outlining the process for an employee to return to the workplace. The email can include safety protocols and usually includes a short deadline for when employees must acknowledge that they have received this message and complete a form.

The email can include links to landing pages that mimic a company’s internal messaging system and human resources department. The message focuses on a status update about returning to work in your office. There are other red flags in the scam, including the urgency of the message. The purpose of the attack is to steal your email login credentials.

Don’t fall for this scam. When K-State is ready for employees to return to campus, an announcement will be made in K-State Today.

If you do fall for a phishing scam, take immediate action. To learn what you need to do, visit K-State’s phishing and other cybercrimes webpage.

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