Kansas State University


IT News

Reminder: Personal webpage services to be retired August 31

Reminder on August 31, K-State’s existing personal webpage service will be retired. K-Staters with personal webpages are being contacted by the Division of Information Technology (IT) regarding the retirement of this service. If you have a personal website, the URL would be http://www-personal.k-state.edu/~eid.

Example URL: http://www-personal.k-state.edu/~willie

IT recommends faculty and staff publish relevant content, including bios, curriculum vitae, and research information on their academic or administrative unit’s website within the Content Management System (CMS). Using the CMS, every department/unit on campus has a workflow/approval process, based on unit-level decisions, to allow those in their unit to access and post content. Please contact your web manager for the best option on moving K-State-related content to the CMS. Training is required before being granted access to the CMS. For information on training, see the CMS training website.

For personal content, K-Staters can use free blogging or commercial web hosting services. See the Archiving Personal Webpages knowledge base article for Information on how to archive your personal web content.

What happens if you do nothing? Your personal website will be unavailable after August 31, 2021, and you will be unable to retrieve a backup.

Reminder, this service is being retired because K-State’s personal webpages relied on dated infrastructure running old versions of software, and their use has dwindled over the last decade. There are also better and free blogging tools for personal content.

If you need help, contact the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722 or helpdesk@ksu.edu.

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