Kansas State University


IT News

More options for required IT security training available soon

Soon a new text-only version of K-State’s online IT security training will be available to allow people to move through the material at their own pace. Relevant information from the audio version that is not already displayed is being added to the slides to make sure all the content is covered. Watch InfoTech Tuesday for the announcement of this availability in early March.

Thus far, more than 850 K-State employees have completed the online version of the training, and 767 have attended the live version.

The training will also be made available to students at a later date. Given the fact that in 2010 445 K-Staters gave their eID passwords away to criminals in response to phishing scam e-mails, the need for the training is evident. I anticipate a much lower number of compromised eIDs in 2011 because of the training!

Face-to-face training in March

As before, those who prefer face-to-face training can attend sessions available each month until the June 30 deadline.  The next two sessions are scheduled 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 10, in Union 212. Register to attend one of those sessions through the HRIS website (select Employee Self Service, then Learning and Development, then KSU Training Enrollment, and look for Secure IT).

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About Harvard Townsend (harv@ksu.edu)

Chief Information Security Officer