Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: DSS

AccessTech: K-Access taking content to the next level of useability

You can compose a document for a class you are teaching on your phone, iPad, netbook, tablet PC, iPod, or on the desktop computer in your office.  You can even edit files online or on one of your devices.  But have you ever thought about the structure of your documents?  Did you know that many people depend not on the format of the document, but on the code that builds your document’s structure?  Content for your course only begins with aesthetics.  Underneath the Word document, PowerPoint, or PDF lies amazing amounts of code.  Depending on the software and tools you use to create your document, you can choose whether a graphic is only read by human eyes or you can create content with usable text that can be read by a computer for someone with a disability.  (Read more about screen readers next month!)

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