Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: eID password

17+ K-State eID passwords stolen in e-mail scams

The crooks are at it again — in the past week, scam e-mails have tricked at least 17 K-Staters into giving their eID password to criminals, who then log into WebMail with the stolen account information and send thousands of spam messages to the world.

This is a reminder to NEVER provide your password in an e-mail to anyone under any circumstances!

This simple rule will prevent you from becoming a victim of these scams and will help keep K-State off spam block lists, since e-mail service providers will block all e-mail from K-State when they see thousands of spam messages coming from WebMail. Furthermore, K-State IT support staff will NEVER ask for your password in an e-mail, nor will any legitimate business. If you ever get an e-mail asking for your password, personal identity information, or financial account information, you can assume it is a fraud and delete it.

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Deadline for eID password change is Wednesday, Feb. 11

Wednesday, Feb. 11, is the deadline for all K-Staters to change the password on their eIDs for spring semester. This includes individual eIDs as well as group accounts. To change your eID password, go to the eid.k-state.edu site, sign in to your eProfile, and under Password Settings, click “Change your eID password or password-reset options.”

Continue reading “Deadline for eID password change is Wednesday, Feb. 11”

eID passwords stolen by spear phishing scams again

One year after receiving the first spear phishing scam, K-Staters are receiving a  flood of new ones in the last week. At least four people have given their eID password to criminals by replying to the scams. In three cases, the criminal(s) used the eID and password to login to K-State’s Webmail and send thousands of spam messages to off-campus sites, thus making K-State appear to be a source of spam and risk getting blocked by major e-mail providers like Hotmail and Gmail.

Remember one simple rule to avoid being a victim of this type of scam: K-State IT support staff will NEVER ask you for your password in an e-mail. Nor would any legitimate business. Thus if you get any kind of e-mail that asks you to reply with your password,  just delete it.

Continue reading “eID passwords stolen by spear phishing scams again”