Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: timeline

Linking updatable data to a timeline with Microsoft Visio

Manually building various informational graphics can be time-consuming and tedious, particularly if the data is continually changing. One feature of Microsoft Visio 2010 enables the integration of existing information from a variety of sources (an Excel workbook, an Access database, and others) to be pulled into an informational graphic. This also enables easy updating of previously connected data for an engaging and up-to-date visual.

First, open Visio and in the File Menu, go to New. You will be asked to choose from a range of templates.

Select Project Timeline by clicking the highlighted template. Then click the Create button at the right, just below the image of the timeline.
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Creating a digital timeline using SoftChalk LessonBuilder 5

In online courses, digital timelines may offer learners a sense of historical progression, important time influences, and time relationships. While these may be created as static visuals (using Microsoft Visio, for example), those who want a minimally interactive timeline may want to build one using SoftChalk LessonBuilder 5 (an authoring tool).

Partial screenshot of MDC timeline
Partial screenshot of MDC timeline

A sample timeline is above. This timeline showcases a brief history of the Media Development Center (MDC), which is a university-wide resource supporting multimedia development. The timeline information has been provided courtesy of Phyllis Epps, MDC manager.

Continue reading “Creating a digital timeline using SoftChalk LessonBuilder 5”