Prepare Kansas

Category: Build a Kit

Be Safe this Winter, Plan Now

Get ahead of winter storms by making sure your emergency kit for your vehicle is fully stocked:

Be #WinterSafe, keep these items in the vehicle too:

    • Jumper cables
    • Flares or reflective triangle
    • Ice scraper
    • Car cell phone charger
    • Cat litter or sand for better tire traction

Depending on your travel plans, pack water, non-perishable food, and an extra set of warm clothes in the car in case you get stranded during winter weather.

New for 2020: Choose Your Challenge

Welcome to the Prepare Kansas online challenge for 2020! This year marks the eighth annual online challenge and to keep it fresh, we’re changing it up just a bit. We’re educators, so we’ll still feature educational content in blog posts. We will focus on a few preparedness actions each week. And, we’ll be here to offer motivation and encouragement as you and your family take actions throughout September to be prepared ahead of disasters and emergencies.

So what’s different this year? Because we know that thinking about and preparing for the sorts of disasters and emergencies that we experience in Kansas can be intimidating, we encourage you to Choose Your Challenge. You decide which of the five challenge actions you start with and the order that you’ll complete them. Maybe it will take you longer than a week to complete one of the challenges. Maybe you won’t complete all of them during the month. That’s OK. Getting started can sometimes be the biggest challenge of all.

Choose Your Challenge

Make a Plan

Build a Kit

Prepare for Disasters

Talk to Your Kids

Get Financially Prepared

Gather and Organize Important Records

Do you have all the documents and digital copies you need to protect yourself after a disaster? Two actions you can take now are:

K-State Research and Extension’s Our Valuable Records publication is a great starting point for listing and organizing valuable records such as receipts, documentation, proofs of ownership, and pieces of identification that may be necessary to collect insurance, pension, or retirement benefits; to receive military compensation; and to solve tax or inheritance problems.

Collecting and organizing this information now can help #insurance claims in the event of a disaster. Store your information in a waterproof, fireproof container. Take this action now and protect yourself later.


2019 — Resolve to be ready

As we enter the new year, #ResolvetobeReady for emergencies or disasters. As with any goal or resolution, breaking it down into manageable actions is a key to success. Start with one thing. For example, have external power sources available to charge phones and other devices in case of a power outage.