Kansas State University


IT News

Help K-State improve your experience with online tools

by Information Technology Servicesux-fb-final-profle-pic

Volunteers are needed for upcoming and ongoing studies of K-State online tools. These studies allow Information Technology Services (ITS) to gain feedback from K-Staters like you. ITS will use this information to learn what is working for you, what is not, and make changes as needed.

When you sign up to participate, ITS will use the information you provide to match you with upcoming studies. When you are a match to an upcoming study, ITS will contact you to schedule a session. During a research study, we may ask for your feedback on a current tool, something brand new, or maybe even just a sketch or prototype of an idea.

Anyone who uses the internet is eligible to participate. You do not need to be affiliated with K-State or be a computer expert to volunteer. It only takes a few minutes to sign up now.

For more information, go to k-state.edu/its/usability.

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