Those who want to learn more about technology this summer can tap into the UFM Community Learning Center’s low-cost classes at, where the philosophy is “everyone can teach, everyone can learn.” The catalog can be viewed online and downloaded as a PDF.
Technology classes in the UFM Summer 2013 Catalog include:
- Introduction to the iPad (Tuesday, June 25). “Learn the features of the iPad, built-in apps, accessing and setting up Apple accounts, emails, and downloading apps. Participants will also learn about how to buy and update apps in this hands-on class.”
- Computer Skills 101 (2 series: Tuesdays, June 4-25; Tuesdays, July 2-23). “This orientation … will be an overview of parts of the computer and terminology including: desktop, menus, mouse instruction, scrolling, clicking, keying (typing), saving, and basic internet skills.”
UFM is a “creative educational program serving Kansas State University, the Manhattan area, and the state of Kansas.” The website has details on classes and registration. (Find the fake class and get $1 off registration.)