Kansas State University


IT News

Campus printing just got easier in computing labs

Over spring break, Information Technology Services performed some needed improvements to the Pharos printing system used in computing labs across campus. This is the first major upgrade in several years, and it addresses some commonly seen errors users were experiencing when printing. 

Changes that users will see in the new version include:

  • Instead of assigning a random job name when printing, users must enter their K-State eID, otherwise they will not be able to see the job at the print release station. (Your eID is the first part of your K-State email address before the “@k-state.edu”.) This allows users to only see their documents in the printing queue after signing in.
  • Signing into a print release station now requires either swiping the Wildcat ID card OR typing in the eID and password, instead of doing both. (Note: Users will not be able to see CatCash balances unless they swipe their card.)
  • Users who experience any issues while printing, such as error messages or paper jams, will be able to reprint their documents at the IT Help Desk in Hale Library up to 30 minutes after the documents failed to print.

More information on printing and other services offered in university computing labs can be found on the University computing labs and K-State InfoCommons website. For questions, contact the IT Help Desk at (785)532-7722 or helpdesk@k-state.edu.

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