In response to recent inquiries from graduate students, two more walk-in help sessions on Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) have been scheduled this semester: 5-6 p.m. Wednesdays, Nov. 1 and Nov. 8, in 407 Hale Library. These come-and-go help sessions are primarily for students graduating this semester.
ETDR walk-in help sessions are designed to give fast help on formatting theses and dissertations, Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and ETDR questions. About 30 Windows computers are available in Hale 407. Attendees are welcome to bring their laptops for specific help.
If you plan to attend, it will help to accommodate more students if you create an ETDR request form ahead of time and specify a meeting time (Nov. 1 ETDR session 5-6 p.m. OR Nov. 8 ETDR session 5-6 p.m.) Otherwise, students will be asked to create the online request when they arrive.
Graduating this semester?
For graduating students who cannot attend those November sessions but need to meet the ETDR semester deadline Nov. 17, walk-in help sessions are being scheduled as usual during the ETDR deadline week. Those will be announced in early November.
Distance students or those who cannot attend may request an individual ETDR meeting via Zoom webconference. Use the ETDR request form (K-State eID/password required) to request a meeting time and specify the help topics you need. Requests are typically answered within 24-48 hours.
Mandatory thesis/dissertation requirements for 2017
Since Jan. 1, three changes are mandatory for all theses, dissertations, and reports in 2017 and on:
- Title format must be in sentence case (not ALL CAPS)
- Author name format must be in standard name format (not ALL CAPS) as shown in KSIS records
- New copyright author line: © Firstname Lastname 2017.
For more resources, see the ETDR website.