An impromptu ETDR walk-in help session is offered 1-5 p.m. Friday, May 10, in the Media Center (1 Seaton Hall) for grad students who want to finish their ETDRs and avoid paying tuition for a credit hour in summer session.
ETDRs (electronic theses, dissertations, and reports) must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of May 10, as PDFs through the K-REx repository system. Graduate students can use the resources below to help finish by the deadline.
The Media Center has Windows and Mac computers, scanners, Microsoft Office suite, and Acrobat Pro software. Media Center consultants are on hand to help with PDF-conversion issues.
Review your ETDR before submission
- Use the ETDR Review Checklist (PDF) to save time and stress. It lists 99% of errors that cause rejection by the Graduate School.
- Ask the ETDR consultant to review your thesis/dissertation and help with formatting. Use the ETDR Request Form (eID/password sign-in) and click the paperclip icon near the Submit button to attach your file. Requests are answered within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday.
Be aware that some ETDR requirements changed in 2017-2018:
- Title format must be Sentence case (capitalize first word and names).
Example: Effects of prescribed fires in the Kansas Flint Hills - Author name must be uppercase/lowercase (NOT ALL CAPS) and should match the student’s name in KSIS records.
- Copyright statement has the copyright symbol, author name, year of graduation, and an end-period. Example: © Abigail J. Adams 2019.
- Abstracts have no word limit. The Graduate School removed the word limit in spring 2018 (see Formatting Your ETDR > Required Sections).
- Deadlines for Graduation and ETDR Submission
- Copyright Consultation Form
- Copyright for Graduate Students (including prior- and post-publication)
- ETDR website is at
- K-REx repository to submit theses/dissertations:
- Leaving K-State (IT resources you can keep, and what will disappear)
- Media Center, 1 Seaton Hall (multimedia, imaging, PDF help)