Kansas State University


IT News

K-State Mediasite webinar spring series

Mediasite logoInformation Technology Services continues the Mediasite webinar training series this spring with three new topics highlighting powerful features offered through Mediasite. Learn about the benefits of closed captions and how you can implement them in your Mediasite presentations during the 10 a.m. webinar on Feb. 17. The Mar. 23 webinar will introduce options for downloading your Mediasite content, and the final spring webinar Apr. 13 will discuss how best to leverage the insightful presentation analytics built into the My Mediasite portal.

Each 30-minute program is scheduled on a Monday at 10 a.m. and offered through Zoom.

The 2020 spring semester schedule includes:

Each webinar will be recorded and made available on the Mediasite website.

Mediasite is an online video capture, management, and playback system, much like YouTube but with more features, better security, and easy integration into Canvas. Mediasite enables faculty to offer digital media-enriched content to their students. For more information, or to watch previous Mediasite webinars, go to k-state.edu/mediasite.

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