As part of Records and Information Management Month, the Division of IT and K-State Libraries are sharing information about various topics related to records and information management. This week’s focus is on data storage guidelines.
As part of the State of Kansas, Kansas State University is governed by statutes defining records retention requirements. State laws prohibit destroying or disposing of government records (see Records and Information Management Month: What is a record?), except as authorized by law or applicable retention and disposition schedules.
You might be wondering what you’re supposed to do with all those records you can’t eliminate. How do you store them? Where do you store them? And for how long? Luckily, the university records manager has developed Data Storage Guidelines, in addition to the Record Retention Schedules, to help guide decisions about retention and storage, including guidance about storage in:
- Chat/Instant Messaging
- Managed Network Drive (Formerly Catfiles/W: Drive)
- Y: Drive
- Microsoft Teams
- OneDrive
- SharePoint
- Department Intranets
- Department-specific records systems
Regardless of the type of file or where it will be kept, K-State’s records retention schedules must be followed.
For more information, see:
If you have any questions about records and data storage guidelines, contact Ryan Leimkuehler, University Records Manager.