Kansas State University


IT News

Opportunities for networking among IT professionals

For those who work in information technology units across campus, there are two opportunities to collaborate with individuals in similar positions:

  • IT Collaboration
  • Sys Admins

IT Collaboration meets at 9 a.m. on Wednesday mornings via Zoom. The group discusses upcoming changes occurring in IT systems and the impact those changes have on campus. Also discussed are ways to collaborate, security-related issues, planned outages, change freeze timelines, and more. If you are interested and would like to join the conversation, email rob@ksu.edu who will add your name to the listserv list.

Sys Admins meets at 11 a.m. on the third Wednesday of every month. The Sys Admins meeting provides a forum to share systems and services offered throughout campus, provide creative solutions to IT problems, collaborate on IT-related issues, serve as testers for unit and campuswide rollouts and provide an open forum to discuss all things IT. System Admins recently collaborated on the migration to One Drive from Catfiles. To join, email sgsax@ksu.edu who will add your name to the listserv list.

Both meetings provide opportunities to get to know IT staff from across campus and learn from each other. Please consider joining these groups.

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