by Information Technology Services
TEVAL is now available in K-State Online Canvas. The deadline to create an online TEVAL is May 13. The last day you can offer an online TEVAL to students is May 17. Reports will be made available on May 18.
To add TEVAL to your Canvas course, follow these step-by-step instructions.
- Open your course.
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click Settings.
- Click the Navigation tab.
- Drag the TEVAL tool up into your navigation.
- Click Save.
The TEVAL Student Rating System and Reports at K-State are unique to our university and are intended to provide an indicator of students’ impressions of teaching effectiveness in a given class. To learn more about TEVAL and its use, contact the K-State Teaching and Learning Center. The coordination and administration of TEVAL student ratings is the responsibility of each department.