Kansas State University


IT News

Find contact information for K-Staters using the K-State People Search Directory

Would you like to contact someone at K-State but don’t have their contact information? Use the K-State People Search Directory to find contact information for students, faculty, and staff.

To access the directory, visit the K-State People Search Directory or type in your search at the top of any K-State web page and select the people tab.

People Search Directory webpage

Student information

Student personal information will not be shown unless you are signed in with your K-State credentials. If you are signed in, the following information will be displayed:

    • Name (preferred name)
    • Student Classification (e.g., Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
    • Major
    • Email

Faculty/staff information

The following information is displayed in faculty and staff search results:

  • Name
  • Title – Department
  • Office address and phone number

Email addresses aren’t displayed unless you are signed in with your email credentials. However, you can still send a message to the desired person using the Message button.



If you have any questions about the K-State People Search Directory, contact the IT Service Desk:

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