Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Recycling

Departments: Free disposal of hard drives Nov. 3

photo of old hard drives by Dean Vellenga

Departments: Hard Drive Recycling Day is noon-4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 3, on the Manhattan and Salina campuses to help properly dispose of old hard drives from university computers.

This service is free to K-State departments. A signed Hard Drive Recycling Day form is required for this service.  Continue reading “Departments: Free disposal of hard drives Nov. 3”

Hard Drive Recycling Day is Tuesday, Oct. 31

by Dean Vellenga

Hard Drive Recycling Day is scheduled 8:30-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3, on the Manhattan campus to help departments properly dispose of old hard drives from university computers.

illustration of old hard drives
Departments can recycle old hard drives free of charge on Oct. 31

Departments should determine which records that are stored on the hard drives can be destroyed. Refer to the university’s Records Retention Policy and schedule, PPM Chapter 3090.  Contact university archivist, Cliff Hight (785-532-3420, chight@k-state.edu) if you have any questions about the retention length of records.  Continue reading “Hard Drive Recycling Day is Tuesday, Oct. 31”

Fall 2015 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6

Shred Day is scheduled 8:30-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, to properly dispose of university paper records on the Manhattan and Salina campuses.

Departments can place their paper documents with personal identity information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit card numbers, etc.) in designated bags and boxes to:

  • Manhattan campus:  Deliver to Mid-Campus Drive near the K-State Student Union.
  • Salina campus:  Deliver to the loading area between the east and west wings of the Technology Center.

Continue reading “Fall 2015 Shred Day is Tuesday, Oct. 6”