Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: styles

IT word changes according to Associated Press

In March, the Associated Press announced its major changes in word styles, including IT words. This is a “big deal” for IT words that have remained unchanged for decades in a field where technology changes frequently and fast. (Some words, like “e-mail”, have remained unchanged for 20+ years.)

New IT word styles include:

  • cellphone (formerly “cell phone” as two words)
  • email (formerly “e-mail” with a hyphen)
  • smartphone (formerly “smart phone” as two words)
  • website (formerly “web site” as two words)

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Using Word videos now online for ETDRs

The Information Technology Assistance Center has several new videos available to help with using Word 2007 to write your Electronic Theses, Dissertation, and Reports. These 2- to 3-minute, narrated videos show specific examples in Word 2007 and are helpful if you’re just starting to work with Styles.

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