Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Month: May 2017

Spring turf disease potpourri


Wet, cool weather is favoring continued activity of large patch and other spring diseases. If you have not downloaded it yet, be sure to check out the 2017 fungicide guide from Vincelli et al.

For a superb update on large patch, dollar spot, spring dead spot, and root problems, you can roll on over to the Missouri Turf Pathology Report .

Here is some large patch in our research plots:


Just for fun, here is some fairy ring activity. I walk past this spot a lot, and those mushrooms popped out after a recent rain.

And also just for fun here are two panoramas of Rocky Ford! You can click to zoom and imagine birds chirping and a soft spring breeze in the air… ahhhh….

Zoysia research – a 2 minute video tour

Here is a brief tour of our zoysiagrass progeny evaluation plots. The study is in collaboration with Texas A&M, Purdue, and several other universities across the region. It is funded by the US Golf Association. PhD student Mingying Xiang is working on this as part of her dissertation research.

Here is the link to a brief video on YouTube.

Sorry about the wind noise! I tried on Monday, and it was even worse, so this is at least better than my first attempt. We can’t be too picky about the wind here in Kansas, right?

Here is a link to a post from last fall where we talk about the inoculation method.

And here is a checkerboard of inoculation points in Meyer zoysia, from a few years back:

Gloves – an important piece of PPE

I came across a nicely-written article from U of Kentucky about gloves and pesticide safety. It’s pretty short, and worth 2 minutes of your time as a quick review.

For example, did you know this? “Research has shown that workers mixing pesticides received 85% of the total exposure on their hands and 13% on their forearms. The same study showed that wearing protective gloves reduced exposure by 99%.”

Read the full article by clicking HERE