Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

April showers bring May flowers, and ramps up disease pressure

(Megan Kennelly)

Coming soon to a zoysiagrass fairway near you…

We have had a crazy spring so far, with temperatures up and down. We started with widespread drought, and now many parts of the state are soggy.

I was about to share a big list of information about some spring turfgrass diseases when I realized that our most excellent neighbor to the east, Dr. Lee Miller, laid out some very helpful details just a few days ago.

I personally have not seen large patch yet, but I’m sure it is coming. Large patch LOVES cool, soggy, spring weather.

For some great pointers on dollar spot, large patch, cool season brown patch, summer patch, and more, just roll on over to Lee’s report here at the Missouri Turf Pathology Report.

We have a brief podcast to describe large patch symptoms and biology here: