Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Dr. Dale Bremer Retiring – He’ll Be Missed by the Team!

After 21 years at K-State, Dr. Dale Bremer will retire from his position in June, 2022.  Dale has been an incredible contributor to research and teaching at K-State.  Dale found his research niche in a few important areas:  water conservation; spectral analysis of turf canopies; and nitrous oxide emissions from turf swards.  He received significant grant funding over the years, advised numerous undergraduate and graduate students, and published over 70 scientific research articles and at least 250 other publications including Agricultural Experiment Station Publications, professional abstracts, and trade journal articles.

Regarding teaching and administrative support, Dale taught the course “Turfgrass Science” for undergraduate and graduate students.  Graduate students took classes he taught called “Plant Research Methods” and “Graduate Seminar.”  He has also served as Graduate Program Director for the department since 2014.

Dale contributed a lot to Kansas turf conferences and field days, and also to industry associations including the Crop Science Society of America and the United States Golf Association.  He served as Technical Editor for the scientific journal Crop Science for 9 years and oversaw the evaluation of nearly 500 manuscripts.   In addition, he served as an Associate Editor for a 6-year term prior to that.  In addition, for the past several years, Dale served on the Turf and Environmental Research Committee for the United States Golf Association.  Only a few scientists are selected to serve on this committee, which is a true recognition of his strong scientific capabilities.

The success of K-State’s turf and landscape program has benefitted most from the teamwork provided by faculty and staff.  Dale has been a great team member in his involvement in teaching, research, and conference and field day activities.  Dale, congratulations on your opportunity to move on to something different.  The K-State team will miss your involvement in our activities, but  –  we are excited for you!