Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Author: kennelly

KSU Tree Reference

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

If you attended one of our K-State educational events this winter you might have had the chance to do some hands-on work with our Tree and Shrub Problems in Kansas book.

Did you mean to get a copy, but didn’t get around to it yet? If so you can download the pdf for free or order a print copy on our KSU Extension Bookstore.


Or, call the Extension Distribution Bookstore at 785-532-5830 to order a copy. Ask for the book by name, or by its publication number (MF3132).


Iris leaf spot – spring cleaning to disrupt fungal life cycle

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

Irises are a popular plant, often grown in large groups. Iris leaf spot is a fungus that can cause mild spotting to severe dieback.The fungus spreads by spores that are dispersed in wet weather.

Red-brown spots with yellow halo:

A closer view – the black bumps are spore-producing structures:


Another close-up view of one spot:

Spots can coalesce to cover a large area

More significant dieback:

Where does that fungus spend the winter? In old infected leaves. Get those outta there to reduce your risk of infection in the new year. Clearing out old infected plant tissue breaks the life cycle.

More information about managing iris leaf spot is available in a recent article by Ward Upham in the KSU Horticulture News


Congrats to KSU alum for prestigious environmental award

(Megan Kennelly)

We are proud that our K-State alum Josh Heptig is the winner of the President’s Award for Environmental Stewardship from the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America! Way to go!


You can read all about Josh and his innovations on the golf course here:


He currently works in California.

Changes to Worker Protection Standard

(Megan Kennelly)

There are some new changes to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). If you attended the Core Hour or other pesticide license trainings in the last year or so you should have learned about some of these changes already.

If you did not receive the information yet, here are some resources you can check out.


Site with links to comparison charts and summaries:


Quick summary from University of Kentucky:

Revisions to Worker Protection Standards (WPS) Become Effective in 2017

Got questions? You can also contact Frannie Miller, the coordinator of the K-State IPM Program and Pesticide Safety Education. Frannie’s contact info is in the left-hand column on the IPM Page.

January educational events

Looking for some winter educational conferences and trade shows? You might like to check these out:

Thank yous and Resources from the Kansas Turfgrass Conference/Nurseryworks

Hello everyone,

Thank you to those who attended the conference last week. Thanks to those who signed up for the blog. Thank you to the vendors! I put a copy of the vendor list below.

Here is a list of some of the resources we mentioned. If you forgot to jot them down, here you go:


K-State Turf Main Page:













KSU Turf Unmanned Aircraft Videos:


Thank you exhibitors!


Why YOU should come to the Kansas Turfgrass Conference!

Are you still deciding whether to attend the Kansas Turf Conference next week?

Here are just a few of the many reasons why that answer should be YES!

* Looking for some networking opportunities? Over 400 of your peers in the turf, landscape, and ornamentals industry have already signed up. The trade show floor will be a great place to exchange ideas, see old friends, and meet some new ones. In last year’s conference evaluation, 96% of survey respondents said, “The conference gave me opportunities to network with others in the industry.”

* In last year’s evaluation, 96% of survey respondents said, “The conference was worth my time and effort.” We think this year’s conference will be too!

* In last year’s evaluation, 92% of survey respondents said,”The conference increased my understanding of integrated pest management.” This year includes  many different sessions about insects, diseases, and weeds, with lots of opportunities to earn pesticide credit including a hands-on disease id booth in the trade show.

* In last year’s evaluation, 91% of survey respondents said, “The conference increased my understanding of people-related skills.”  The 2016 conference will feature hot new topics about how to be a better competitor, cultivating professionalism, and more business topics.

Not convinced yet?  Check out the full program here:


You can register online here:


Congrats to PhD student Ross Braun for national awards

Here at K-State we love working with all our students. It is particularly gratifying and exciting when they are recognized for their achievements beyond the university.

PhD student Ross Braun recently earned not just one, but two awards at the national conference of the Crop Science Society of America C5 (turfgrass) division.

He earned first prize in one of the oral presentation categories and third prize in a poster category. Way to go Ross!


Goldilocks and the three trees. (Site conditions that are “just right.”)

When it comes to trees:

Trees need water. Not too much, not too little, but just right.

Trees need appropriate temperature. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right.

Trees need to prune. Not too much, not too little, but just right.

If you are looking for some cozy winter reading, you can check out our publication about Tree and Shrub Problems in Kansas.

In addition, I just came across a great publication from University of Kentucky that discusses tree and shrub decline. The information is similar to parts of the Tree and Shrub Problems in Kansas book, but sometimes it is helpful to read information from a new source since everyone presents information in a slightly different way. The reference is Stress and Decline in Woody Plants.

Happy reading!



Knotweed control, to be or knot to be

Knot-knot, who’s there?



Here are some tips about knotweed from Ward Upham, in the KSU Horticulture News.


Knotweed thrives in compacted soils, so a thorough aeration is the first step in control. This weed will not compete in a healthy lawn. Chemically, there are two options. Knotweed is an annual that germinates in late February or early March, so a preemergence herbicide can be used in the late fall (about now). Pendimethalin (Scotts Halts), Surflan (Weed Impede), Barricade, Dimension and XL are labeled for knotweed. (Note: Pendimethalin, Barricade and Dimension can be used on all Kansas turfgrasses, while Surflan and XL can only be used on tall fescue and warm-season grasses such as buffalograss, zoysiagrass and bermuda).
The other option is to use a combination postemergence product such as Trimec, Weed-Out, Weed-B-Gon or Weed Free Zone after the knotweed has germinated in the spring but is still young.
If spring seeding of the lawn is planned, your options are more limited. Buctril can be used on commercial sites and has a very short residual. It must be used on very young knotweed to get control. Trimec and others require a month before overseeding to thicken up your lawn. Obviously, don’t use a preemergence herbicide if you are trying to get new seed established. For homeowners seeding in the spring, tilling will control knotweed adequately without using a herbicide. If seeding without tilling (e.g., overseeding using a slicer-seeder), then use a combination product such as one mentioned above just after the knotweed comes up in the spring, and be sure to wait at least a month before seeding.