K-State, Texas A&M AgriLife-Dallas, and Purdue University received a grant from the US Dept. of Agriculture (multi-state specialty crops block grant) to focus on production, establishment, and marketing of zoysiagrass sod. A primary goal of research at Olathe is to evaluate how “farm” practices, including grow-in practices at the sod producer, may influence the performance of sod after it is harvested and laid at a site.
Three zoysia cultivars sprigged in June 2021 (photo above left) and appearance of the same plot area in June 2022 (photo above right) at the Olathe Horticulture Center. Grow-in is being influenced by mowing height and nitrogen rate, which could influence thatch accumulation and performance of newly laid sod (to be harvested in spring 2023)
Learn more information about this project here: https://dallas.tamu.edu/research/farm-to-lawn-zoysiagrass-sod-project
And, if you’re a Twitter follower, this may be of interest to you: @ZOYSIARESEARCH