Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Kansas Turf Conference is right around the corner

The Kansas Turf Conference, in conjunction with the Kansas Nursery and Landscape Association, is coming up in just a few weeks.

You can find the program brochure at the following link, with the schedule, presentation titles, and more:


These are just a few of the many great topics for 2016:

  • Pesticides and Pollinators
  • How Come My Herbicide Application Didn’t Work?
  • Are You a Fierce Competitor?
  • Water in the Green Industry
  • Nothing Happens Without a Sale

… and more! Again, visit the site above for the entire schedule.

In addition to presentations, we will have some informal round-table discussions in the trade show.

By popular demand, our “Meet the Pests” diagnostic quiz will be available again as a fun, hands-on way to earn 0.5 hrs of 3A/3B credit.