Your zoysiagrass fairways and tees might have tried to dress up like a jack-o-lantern, turning itself orange for Halloween. The moderately cool, moist, foggy conditions are perfect for large patch development. We are seeing it in our inoculated plots at Rocky Ford but in lots of other places too. Normally zoysia is shutting down right now. Normally, one application in the fall usually does a great job. You can view a short podcast on large patch fungicide research at KSU. But when the disease is active into November? I’m not sure.
I’ve never seen zoysia this green in November. What a weird fall. Lots of strange things happening in plants. At home we are still harvesting peppers and tomatoes after dinner while comfortably wearing short sleeves, shorts, and sandals.
Anyway – what are you seeing out there? Did you treat in mid-September? If so, is it holding? If not, did you go back in? Let us know what is and isn’t working for you.