Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Two-Minute Turf Extension Video: Aerification Impacts

Dani McFadden, Ph.D. student in Horticulture and Natural Resources, is conducting research on the impact aerification on zoysia thatch reduction and root development. This research is presented in greater detail in the

K-State 2022 Turfgrass Research Report:  CLICK HERE TO READ

Dani summarizes results of the research in this two-minute extension video:


2022 Turf Research Report



The 2022 K-State Turf Research Report came out in early August.  Some highlights of reports included this year:

  • Tall fescue establishment using covers and drip irrigation – CLICK HERE
  • Tall fescue performance under low maintenance conditions in the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Trial (NTEP) – CLICK HERE
  • Creeping bentgrass performance in NTEP – CLICK HERE
  • Influence of herbicides on establishing zoysia from sprigs – CLICK HERE
  • Impact of aerification zoysia thatch and rooting – CLICK HERE
  • New zoysiagrass genotype performance compared to Meyer – CLICK HERE

To see all the research reports together, CLICK HERE

Register! Turf and Ornamentals Field Day on August 4

Turf and Ornamentals Field Day is five weeks away – August 4, 2022 at the John C. Pair Horticultural Research Center in Haysville, KS.  You’ll get updates on the K-State at 8:45 a.m., and tour stops will begin at 9 a.m.  See industry vendors while you’re there and pick up lunch when your tour is complete (around 11:30 a.m.).


Tour stops will include:

  • New Zoysiagrass Cultivar Finds its Way Out! – Dr. Ross Braun and Dani McFadden
  • Turf and Ornamentals Disease Update – Dr. Megan Kennelly
  • New Cold Hardy Bermudas – Dr. Jack Fry and Dr. Yanqi Wu (Oklahoma State Univ.)
  • Keeping Ponds Clean – Dr. Joe Gerken
  • Conifer Trial Evaluation – Dr. Tim McDonnell
  • Tree Research – Dr. Cheryl Boyer
  • Update on Hemp – Dr. Jason Griffin
  • Bug Mania:  Update on Turfgrass and Ornamental Insect and Mite Pests – Dr. Raymond Cloyd

CLICK HERE for Field Day Details

CLICK HERE for Field Day Registration Online

Grub Season is Here!

Larvae and adults visible day after insecticide application at KC-area golf course.

Damage from white grubs has begun.  A Kansas City-area golf course exhibited significant damage to Meyer zoysia from white grubs (predominantly southern masked chaffer) in late June. It may seem earlier than normal, but if populations are high it can happen.  Grubs include southern masked chaffer, Japanese Beetle, and others.  Learn more about grubs and their control in an article by Dr. Raymond Cloyd by clicking HERE.







Grub damage top left, southern masked chaffer larva (top right), and adult beetle (below).

Two-Minute Turf Extension Video: Impact of Nitrogen on Weed Encroachment

This new blog video gives an update on a research project, a turf-related issue, or current concerns in the turf industry.  Each one will be approximately 2 minutes long – you’ll see one periodically!

On this video, the first one, see the impact of nitrogen fertilization on crabgrass encroachment in a field project at the Olathe Horticulture Center.  This study is being done at several universities in the north central U.S. including Iowa State, Michigan State, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota State, Ohio State, and Wisconsin.  Most are looking at weeds in cool-season grasses, but you’ll hear about bermudagrass here.





Dr. Dale Bremer Retiring – He’ll Be Missed by the Team!

After 21 years at K-State, Dr. Dale Bremer will retire from his position in June, 2022.  Dale has been an incredible contributor to research and teaching at K-State.  Dale found his research niche in a few important areas:  water conservation; spectral analysis of turf canopies; and nitrous oxide emissions from turf swards.  He received significant grant funding over the years, advised numerous undergraduate and graduate students, and published over 70 scientific research articles and at least 250 other publications including Agricultural Experiment Station Publications, professional abstracts, and trade journal articles.

Regarding teaching and administrative support, Dale taught the course “Turfgrass Science” for undergraduate and graduate students.  Graduate students took classes he taught called “Plant Research Methods” and “Graduate Seminar.”  He has also served as Graduate Program Director for the department since 2014.

Dale contributed a lot to Kansas turf conferences and field days, and also to industry associations including the Crop Science Society of America and the United States Golf Association.  He served as Technical Editor for the scientific journal Crop Science for 9 years and oversaw the evaluation of nearly 500 manuscripts.   In addition, he served as an Associate Editor for a 6-year term prior to that.  In addition, for the past several years, Dale served on the Turf and Environmental Research Committee for the United States Golf Association.  Only a few scientists are selected to serve on this committee, which is a true recognition of his strong scientific capabilities.

The success of K-State’s turf and landscape program has benefitted most from the teamwork provided by faculty and staff.  Dale has been a great team member in his involvement in teaching, research, and conference and field day activities.  Dale, congratulations on your opportunity to move on to something different.  The K-State team will miss your involvement in our activities, but  –  we are excited for you!

Nutsedge is Showing Up

Yellow nutsedge emerging in May in Olathe, KS.

It’s springtime and sedges are beginning to show up.  Sedges are different than broadleaf and grassy weeds, and require different control strategies.  Yellow nutsedge is the common sedge problem in our area.  Treating yellow nutsedge when it’s young and just starting to appear is a good strategy that will result in better control.

Yellow nutsedge spreads primarily through its production of tubers and rhizomes – all can contribute to its expansion within a lawn.

Great resources to learn more about sedge control:

2020 Blog Post

Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals – 2021 Edition

Sedge Control for Turf Professionals

Bagworms and Eastern Tent Caterpillars

New useful posts on from the Department of Entomology:
Bagworms – It is Almost Time
We are getting close to the time when the 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch bags associated with the bagworm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformus, will be present on broadleaf and evergreen trees and shrubs. Therefore, be prepared to take action against bagworms once they are observed on plants. More details here:
Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Here is an update on Eastern tent caterpillar in trees and shrubs: