Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: fungicides

Spring dead spot in bermudagrass

(Megan Kennelly)

(Photos courtesy Jacob Weber, KSU Extension)

SDS jake weber 3 SDS jake weber 2

Spring dead spot is a severe root disease of bermudagrass. We see symptoms in the spring, as the turf is greening up. Affected areas remain brown, and the turf collapses leaving a sunken area that is prone to weed invasion. It can take a big chunk of the summer for recovery.

In the past, fungicide treatments in Kansas have had inconsistent results. Applications in September have sometimes had good results, but sometimes they have not worked at all.

There is some info about fungicide sprays for spring dead spot HERE (check page 20). Also, Dr. Lee Miller next door in Missouri reports that he has recently seen good results from Velista applied twice (mid September + mid October). Click HERE for Dr. Miller’s comments, paying particular attention to the fact that this usage involves a Section 2(ee) recommendation, not the main label.

2015 Fungicide Resource

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

Hello everyone,

The 2015 edition of Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases is available at the following website:




This guide from University of Kentucky (Paul Vincelli and Gregg Munshaw) is updated every year with new products and all the latest research findings. Bookmark it, print it, use it, love it.



Some early large patch, and nutsedge too

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

Thanks to Mark Newton at Deer Creek Golf Club in Overland Park for sending in these photos. Mark said it was alright to share where these came from – thanks Mark! We always appreciate reports and photos from the field. If you are okay with us putting your name on there, that’s great, and if you prefer to stay anonymous, that works too.

Anyway, Mark is seeing some early large patch in the zoysiagrass fairways. This past week has been hot, but we’ve had some cool spells that could have given the fungus a kickstart. And, we’ve had some rains, too. Large patch is favored by wet conditions. Symptoms are most common and tend to be most severe in spring, like April through early June. In the fall, we sometimes see symptoms in September, but it can occur earlier or later.

In fungicide trials at KSU we’ve seen good results suppressing symptoms the following spring by applying fungicides once in September. We’ve applied as early as Sept 3 and as late as Sept 30th and gotten good results with all those timings, using DMI’s, QoI’s, and flutolanil. The temperature in the thatch has been 65-70 degrees during those application timings.

Along with the large patch, there is some nutsedge action and a good pic of that is shown below as well.