Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: IPM

Dollar spot activity, and lingering brown patch

Moderate days and cool, dewy nights have increased dollar spot pressure. Check out these photos in our research plots.

Here is an untreated plot:

Here is a cleaner plot:

There are many great tips about fungicides for managing dollar spot starting on page 15 of this document:


In terms of varieties, like other universities, KSU does a lot of screening of new breeding lines and existing cultivars. In our research plots we like to have big blocks of different cultivars for different reasons. In my fungicide trials, often I like to use susceptible varieties to make sure we get strong disease pressure. For other types of studies we like to use more resistant varieties when developing reduced-input integrated management strategies.

Here is an example of two varieties out on one of our research greens. They have not been sprayed, and they are not in use at the moment, but they show the striking differences in susceptibility:

I also noticed a tiny bit of lingering brown patch on our putting green. When we switch more solidly into cool fall weather that should fade into nothing. Ah, fall! Let’s have more nights in the 50’s!

If you squint hard, you’ll see the big brown patch circle among all the dollar spot: