Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) weekly walk-in clinics are scheduled 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. every Wednesday from Feb. 1-April 12 in 301A Hale Library. These are for graduate students who want faster help on thesis/dissertation formatting or Microsoft Word or LaTeX issues. Topics include:
- Using K-State’s ETDR writing templates (time-saving Word, LaTeX files)
- Microsoft Word tools, tips, and solutions
- Reviewing ETDRs to meet Graduate School requirements
- Prior publication
- Automated Table of Contents, figure/table captions, cross-references
The first session on Wednesday, Feb. 1, will have an ETDR overview every half-hour followed by questions/answers. Bring a laptop and your lunch. Leave as soon as your questions are answered, or stay and learn more about ETDR resources and using Word efficiently.
Distance students or others who cannot attend may request an ETDR meeting in person, by phone, or via Zoom webconferencing. Class presentations are also available in person or via Zoom. Use an ETDR request form (K-State eID/password required) to specify help needed and schedule meeting times. Response time is 24-48 hours.
New thesis/dissertation requirements for spring 2017
Updated ETDR writing templates were put on the ETDR website last August, with changes that the Graduate School deemed optional for fall 2016. Those changes are now required for all theses, dissertations, and reports submitted in spring semester 2017 and on:
- Title format must be in sentence case (not ALL CAPS)
- Author name format must be in standard name format with uppercase/lowercase, as shown in KSIS records (not ALL CAPS)
- Copyright line new format: © Firstname Lastname 2017.