Kansas State University


IT News

Save the date: CRM Town Hall March 2

Save the date now for the sixth CRM Town Hall meeting! The next Town Hall is 3 to 5 p.m., Mon., Mar. 2, in the College of Business Administration, Room 4061.

This Town Hall will have a different format from previous Town Halls. There will be no breakout sessions. The Town Hall will start with a 30-minute CRM project status update, and then the rest of the meeting will be used to demo features of the CRM.

The Town Hall is open to everyone. You can attend in person or via Zoom. Go to k-state.edu/crm/town-hall to register for the Town Hall and access the Zoom ID. You will need to use your eID and password to view this page.

The new CRM is part of the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan. To learn more about the CRM initiative, visit k-state.edu/crm.

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