On Nov. 14, the AnyConnect VPN was scheduled to be retired. For the last several months, K-Staters who use AnyConnect were asked to switch to GlobalProtect for their VPN needs. To allow VPN users more time to make the transition, the deadline has been extended to spring 2020.
VPN users are encouraged to switch to Global Protect now and not wait until spring 2020. GlobalProtect is currently available for both Mac and Windows platforms.
At this time, GlobalProtect is only available for use with laptops and desktops. If you install GlobalProtect now on your smartphone or tablet, you will get the error “GlobalProtect is not licensed for this feature or device” when you try to log in. GlobalProtect will be available for Linux computers, smartphones, and tablets during Spring 2020.
Installation instructions
If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk, 785-532-7722, email helpdesk@ksu.edu.
For more information about the VPN visit: https://www.k-state.edu/its/security/secure-data/vpn/