The Division of Information Technology embarked on a review of IT policies (PPM 3310 and those in PPM Chapter 3400) in June of 2020. The review process includes:
- research on similar policies from peer institutions
- review of federal and state regulations
- inclusion of updated standards since the policy was created or revised
- moving procedures and operational information to knowledge base articles or web pages
- edits by a policy review team
- consultation with specific groups across campus, which varies with each policy, and
- consultation with the Office of General Counsel
Suggestions were incorporated into the appropriate policies, reviewed by an extended leadership group with representation from across campus, approved by the CIO, and then edited and published in the PPM. The policy review process is outlined in KB 14656, The Division of Information Technology (IT) Policy Review Process.
To date, the following policies have been updated or retired.
Updated Policies
- PPM 3450 Electronic Identifier (eID) Policy: Changes to the eID policy included substituting “university resources” for “centrally-managed IT resources,” referring to offices and not specific positions, changing “faculty/staff” to “employees,” removing procedures, and placing those on appropriate web pages, clarifying eligibility (removing the terms group and shared eIDs), adding definitions for provisioning and de-provisioning. The term “Special access eIDs” is now titled “eID with extended access.”
- PPM 3310 Telecommunications Policy: This policy required updating information on services, removing services no longer available, and moving procedures to knowledge base articles.
Retired Policies
- PPM 3440 Internet and World Wide Web policy: The policy was last updated in 2010 and created before K-State’s use of the Content Management System (CMS). Information regarding webpages and accessibility is published on the Web Services page. The personal webpage service will be retired in August 2021.
- PPM 3470 Technologically Enhanced Classrooms: Since this policy was established, more than 100 rooms have been updated with technology. The information in the policy tended to be more procedural regarding scheduling, description of the types of rooms, and management of rooms. The information about rooms was updated, retitled centrally scheduled classrooms, and posted to a webpage.
- PPM 3475 Video Conference Policy: Video conferencing has changed since the policy was revised in 2010 from proprietary video conferencing equipment to various technology offerings. No one policy could cover the many and varied types of video and web conferencing options. The multimedia, video, and web conferencing website is being updated to reflect these services.