Kansas State University


IT News

Author: Rebecca Gould

Mills Kelly, Center for History and New Media, to speak March 9

Mills Kelly with the Center for History and New Media will give a campuswide presentation entitled “Building a Better Yesterday, Bit by Bit or What hurricanes, communism and pirates can do for your teaching” at 10:30 a.m.-noon Tuesday, March 9, in the Union Big 12 Room.  All K-Staters are welcome.

Continue reading “Mills Kelly, Center for History and New Media, to speak March 9”

Quote of the week: Snow days, space windows

Gene C. Fant Jr. laments on the end of snow days as we knew them with this quote: “Technology does not know the difference between Mondays and Saturdays, workdays and snow days.” In the article in the Feb. 24, 2010, issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education, he also comments about the newly installed window to the world on the International Space Station that has been overshadowed by “full Internet access” for the astronauts. The article is available from chronicle.com/article/The-End-of-Snow-Days/64326.

Password change period ends Wednesday, Feb. 10

The eID password-change period for this spring is Jan. 1-Feb. 10. If your password is not changed by Feb. 10, you will LOSE ACCESS to central e-mail, iSIS, K-State Online, K-State dial-in Internet service, free laser printing, university computing labs, and other IT services.

To change your password, go to eid.k-state.edu and sign in. Under Password Settings, click “Change your eID password or password-reset options” and follow the prompts.

After changing your eID password, you may also need to change the password settings for your K-State dial-in Internet service or your local e-mail client.

Continue reading “Password change period ends Wednesday, Feb. 10”

Saturday power outage impacted many IT systems

At noon Saturday, Dec. 12, the university experienced a widespread power outage that impacted many of its information technology systems, including K-State Online, Webmail, iSIS, printing, etc. Information Technology Services staff worked through the day to restore systems, which returned to service about 3 p.m. However, at 11:30 p.m. some IT systems experienced a separate-but-related power outage. These systems were restored at 2 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 13. Of note:

  • The generator near Hale Library will continue to run until a switching mechanism is repaired. This is the source of the noise outside of Hale.
  • Faculty who posted grades on Saturday are encouraged to check their iSIS grade roster to verify their grades were successfully transmitted from K-State Online and to confirm grades in iSIS.

Continue reading “Saturday power outage impacted many IT systems”

End-of-semester reminders: Grade submission, leaving K-State, voicemail

Just a few reminders for the end of the semester:

Grade submission

Grades are due 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 21, for Dec. 14-16 final examinations.

Grades are due 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, for Dec. 17-18 final examinations.

The deadline to copy grades from K-State Online to iSIS is 4 p.m. Dec. 22 in order to allow time for back-end processes to run.

Leaving K-State

For students, faculty and staff who are leaving K-State, review the information available on the Preparing to Leave K-State webpage.


K-State’s voicemail system is scheduled to be upgraded Jan. 8, 2010. All K-Staters using voicemail will need to upgrade to the new system. See the voicemail article in this issue.

What to do prior to graduating or leaving K-State?

Do I continue to have access to my eID? Can I keep my e-mail Inbox? Is my eID recycled? These and other questions are addressed on the updated Preparing to Leave K-State webpages.

New Student Services, the Alumni Association, Human Resources, Career and Employment Services, the Registrar’s Office, and ITS staff have clarified what users continue to be able to access and what is no longer available to them.  A short list of responsibilities and other information prior to leaving K-State include:

1. Sign in to eprofile.k-state.edu and forward your e-mail

2. Copy any files you are entitled to keep, including:

  • Your e-mail Inbox and messages/folders
  • Files on your office workstation
  • Files on the central Unix system
  • Your personal webpages

Continue reading “What to do prior to graduating or leaving K-State?”

Deadlines for electronic grade submission, fall 2009

  • Friday, Dec. 11 — Grade rosters for regular courses will be available in iSIS.
  • 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 21 — Grades are due for Dec. 14-16 final examinations.
  • 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22 — Grades are due for Dec. 17-18 final examinations.
  • 4 p.m. Dec. 22 — Deadline to copy grades from K-State Online to iSIS  in order to allow time for back-end processes to run.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 23 — Students will be able to view grades for regular courses in iSIS.

For non-standard courses, grades are due five business days after the class is complete. Continue reading “Deadlines for electronic grade submission, fall 2009”

IT by the numbers: Printing, iSIS sign-ins, K-State Online

Here’s a snapshot of IT usage at the beginning of the fall semester:

  • 160,692 pages printed in the university computing labs and InfoCommons by 6,393 users (Aug. 15-Sept. 4)
  • 39,080 sign-ins were noted in iSIS, the student information system, on Aug. 24 (the first day of fall semester classes)
  • 22,264 students are listed on rosters in K-State Online for the fall semester
  • 1,108 instructors signed into K-State Online in the last 24 hours
  • 4.9 courses per student are provided in K-State Online

Spotlight: Using technology to cut costs

Below is a short list of suggestions to save money using technology. If you have other suggestions on using technology to cut costs, send to TellTuesday@k-state.edu.

  1. Set the default on printers (when possible) to print double-sided instead of single-sided pages. (This one change to printers in the K-State InfoCommons and university computing labs resulted in a reduction of more than 400,000 fewer sheets of paper used, which is equivalent to 800 fewer reams of paper or 32 boxes.)
  2. Send communications including memos, notices, and updates via e-mail, thus eliminating paper.
  3. Purchase an inexpensive scanner such as a ScanSnap and connect it to an administrative assistant’s computer. Any information on paper that needs to be shared with staff can be scanned, quickly converted to a PDF, and then e-mailed as an attachment. Continue reading “Spotlight: Using technology to cut costs”