Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Canvas

K-State Mediasite webinar April 15: Getting started with Mediasite Desktop Recorder

Mediasite logoDuring the spring semester, Information Technology Services is hosting a new webinar training series focusing on Mediasite at K-State.

The webinar series highlights many of the powerful features offered through Mediasite. Faculty will learn how to use Mediasite within Canvas, with the final session demonstrating the Mediasite Desktop Recorder for capturing video from your own computer. Continue reading “K-State Mediasite webinar April 15: Getting started with Mediasite Desktop Recorder”

K-State Mediasite webinar March 18

Mediasite logoDuring the spring semester, Information Technology Services is hosting a new webinar training series focusing on Mediasite at K-State.

The webinar series highlights many of the powerful features offered through Mediasite. Faculty will learn how to use Mediasite within Canvas, with the final session demonstrating the Mediasite Desktop Recorder for capturing video from your own computer. Continue reading “K-State Mediasite webinar March 18”

New Gradebook available in Canvas

by Information Technology Services

During spring 2019, instructors can opt-in to use Canvas’ New Gradebook. The New Gradebook offers a number of enhanced features including:

Canvas February updates

by Information Technology Services

Updates to Canvas were released on Feb. 16. To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete February Release Notes.

Reminder: Any hyperlinks in courses or websites that link to public.online.ksu.edu need to be changed to canvas.ksu.edu. Continue reading “Canvas February updates”

K-State Online name change to “Canvas” only

K-State Online has undergone a name change and will now be known as Canvas. Most people refer to the LMS as Canvas already, so officially changing the name provides clarity while making it easier for those who are using a browser search to find Canvas.

To access the Canvas system directly, go to canvas.ksu.edu. Canvas can also be accessed through Connect and by signing in on K-State’s homepage.

To access the Canvas webpage, formerly known as the K-State Online webpage, go to canvas.ksu.edu/info. There you will find helpful information about Canvas, tools used in Canvas, and release news.

For the time being, if you access the old address of public.online.ksu.edu, you will be taken to canvas.ksu.edu.

Any hyperlinks in courses or websites that link to public.online.ksu.edu need to be changed to canvas.ksu.edu.

K-State Online August updates

by Information Technology ServicesK-State Online Info graphic

Updates to Canvas were released on Aug. 26. Canvas operates on a monthly release cycle, with features added or updated every three weeks.

To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete August Release Notes. In addition to the Canvas release, Information Technology Services releases updates to services and integrations with K-State Online through the month as necessary. Continue reading “K-State Online August updates”