Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Resources and tools

Numerous iPad tools shown at November roundtable + user group meeting

For those who missed the All about iPads: IDT Roundtable + iPad user meeting Nov. 15, video recordings of the event (4 segments, 30 minutes each) are now on the IDT Roundtable’s iPad for Beginners webpage.  Presentations included many iPad apps, tools, and processes listed below, interspersed with questions/answers and discussion by the 60 K-Staters who attended.

The K-State iPad User Group recently created by Mary Hammel, College of Education, is another resource for learning and sharing about iPads, apps, accessories, and issues.

Presentation tools  

  • Doceri (remote, no-wire access to other software on a computer in same room); free app for iPad, but $50 software required on PC or Mac
  • Splashtop (remote communications tool to control computer and do work); if have access to a PC/Mac, can use any software on it and don’t need to buy for iPad

Productivity apps (in iWorks) 

  • Pages (word processing)
  • Keynote (presentations)
  • Numbers (spreadsheet)

Note-taking apps

  • Penultimate (write notes, doodle, draw, add pics, annotate; send to self as PDF)
  • WritePad (hand-write in bottom area; converts to text above)
  • Note Taker HD (similar to WritePad’s top/bottom format)
  • AudioNote (keeps a parallel audio file in sequence with written notes)
  • Dragon Dictation (speech to text)


  • Skype (one-to-one conferencing)
  • Polycom (videoconferencing with multiple people)
  • Adobe Connect (similar to Polycom; up to 250 people)

Securing your iPad

  • Find my iPad (a way to register iPhone, iPad, etc. in iCloud so can find later)
  • Ability to lock your device
  • Ability to wipe all data on your device

iCloud features

  • 5 gigabytes free storage; requires iOS 5, Mac OS X Lion, Windows Vista/7
  • Sync (contacts, reminders, mail, notes, etc.)
  • Photo stream (copy 1,000 photos from last 30 days to your iPad)
  • Find my iDevice
  • Limited security; limited PC integration

Other apps, processes, resources 

  • Good Reader (easy app to move lots of files to iPad)
  • iPad 2 mirroring (only works with Apple TV)
  • Apple TV  (really a connector and projection tool for iPad)
  • “Assistive touch” feature on iPad
  • Backups
  • eBooks (using Pages on a Mac);
  • iBooks bookshelf app
  • Free storage spaces:  Dropbox; Evernote; and K-State Zimbra’s “Briefcase”

Dragon speech-to-text software now available for K-Staters with disabilities

logo of the Dragon speech-recognition softwareiTAC is now offering Dragon NaturallySpeaking, a speech-to-text software, on one computer for use by K-State students and employees with disabilities.

According to the Dragon software page, this speech-recognition tool “allows busy professionals to dictate documents, send email, search the Web, and command and control their PCs — entirely by voice — for new levels of personal productivity and corporate cost savings.”

The Dragon software is on a computer adjacent to the IT Help Desk, 214 Hale Library. Users can check out the headset and microphone for the program from the iTAC receptionist 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in Hale 214 (or after hours, from the IT Help Desk). Check-out time is limited to five hours. Additional time can be requested if needed.

For information on how to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking, contact Felisa Osburn (785-532-3247, felisa@k-state.edu) in K-State Libraries.

Free class Dec. 2: Using a professional-grade camcorder

K-State faculty/staff and students who would like to learn the basics of using a professional-grade camcorder are invited to attend a free class 9-10 a.m Friday, Dec. 2, in the Media Development Center, 213 Hale Library.  No registration is needed; just walk in the day of the class.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Set the white balance
  • Choose the correct camera mode
  • Use the zoom, iris, and focal controls
  • Check and adjust audio levels
  • Use good techniques for shooting video

For more information, call Phyllis Epps, 785-532-4921.

Faculty/staff: Try new-tech “ultra short throw” projector through Nov. 18

Closeup of ultra short throw projector for faculty/staff testing through Nov. 18, 2011The Information Technology Assistance Center has set up a Dell “ultra short throw” projector as a temporary demonstration model for faculty/staff to see the possibilities of this new technology. The Dell S500WI Interactive Ultra Short Throw Projector brings a new kind of interaction to the classroom.

  • Interactive projection on almost any surface
  • Off-surface interactivity from up to 29.5 feet away
  • A sharp, clear picture from the WXGA native resolution (1280 x 800) and 16:10 aspect ratio, which supports 720p HD resolution
  • Wireless functionality and many advanced features such as Multi-PC session, 4-to-1 split screen, USB plug-and-show, USB viewer, PtG converter, and audio projection

iTAC encourages faculty/staff to come by and give this projector a test drive.  The unit is available through Friday, Nov. 18, in the hallway next to the Media Development Center.  No reservations needed; just walk in and ask the iTAC receptionist in Hale 214 for the interactive pen that works with the unit.

Questions should be sent to Ernie Perez, ern@k-state.edu.

First look at the ultra short throw projector near the Media Development Center

Free class Nov. 11: Basics of using a professional-grade camcorder

The Media Development Center in Hale Library is offering a class Friday, Nov. 11, for K-Staters who would like to learn the basics of using a professional-grade camcorder. The class is 9-10 a.m in the MDC, 213 Hale Library.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Set the white balance
  • Choose the correct camera mode
  • Use the zoom, iris, and focal controls
  • Check and adjust audio levels
  • Use good techniques for shooting video

Faculty/staff and students do not need to register for these classes. Just go to the Media Development Center the day of the class to participate. For more information, call 785-532-4921.

Zoom videocamera available for checkout by K-Staters

photo of blue Zoom video recorder
Zoom Q3 pocket-sized video recorder

The Zoom Q3 Handy Video Recorder is a pocket-sized video recorder that records MP4 video clips. It retails for about $200. However, students and faculty/staff can check out a Zoom at no charge, at the iTAC equipment check-out desk in 214 Hale Library.

What sets this versatile video recorder apart from other similarly sized recorders is its exceptional audio quality. The Q3 has built-in stereo condenser microphones that provide broadcast-quality audio.

The video and audio are also easily imported into a computer using the built-in USB cable or an SD card.

More IT resources available for checkout, plus procedures and policies, are listed on the Media Development Center’s equipment checkout page.

Tech tip: Free dotEPUB converts any webpage into an e-book

logo for dotEPUB websitedotEPUB  is “software in the cloud” that avid readers will appreciate.  Eric Dover, Client Services manager in iTAC, recommended this free tool for K-Staters who like to save complete webpages for offline reading later — such as extensive articles, news stories, long blogs, and more.

But it’s not an add-on or an app.  This nebulous tool is a bookmarklet for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera web browsers. (Chrome users can opt to download the dotEPUB extension from the Chrome store instead.)

Once content is downloaded, it can be viewed by any epub-compatible device, including  Kindle and other e-readers, desktop computers, tablets, the iPhone and other smartphones, iPod touch, iPads, and more.

  1. (iPad users:  First get the free iBooks app or another e-reader, so you have a place to store downloaded content.)
  2. Everyone: Go to the dotepub.com website.
  3. The default is NOT to include images and links on webpages.  If you want to see pictures and follow links to websites, uncheck the box “Immersive mode (no links or images)”.
  4. Follow the instructions for your particular e-device, such as drag-and-drop the “dot E PUB” logo (most web browsers); copy-and-paste the supplied Javascript code (iPads); and so forth.

For more information, visit the dotepub.com website and watch the 2-minute dotEPUB video on YouTube.

Free tool: Firebug (web development tools)

Price: Free (freeware)

• Firefox web browser
• PC, Mac, or Linux

Where to get it: See the “Installing” section below

What it is: Firebug is an HTML/Style Sheet debugging add-in for the Firefox web browser.

What it does: “Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.” (taken from the Firebug website: getfirebug.com/whatisfirebug)

Feature highlights

  1. Inspect and modify HTML code in real time through Firefox
  2. JavaScript debugger
  3. Network usage and performance metrics
  4. Tools to aid in CSS layout and formats

Continue reading “Free tool: Firebug (web development tools)”

Q/A: Best weather websites or resources?

What are the best websites for weather resources? There’s too many to choose from!

This may be a frequent question given the near-blizzard conditions now in Kansas. One option is to check Google’s Weather links at www.google.com/Top/News/Weather, which contains weather categories and also 40+ specific weather-related sites (no doubt some you’ve never heard of). The big advantages are that you can:

  • Skim one-line descriptions of each site
  • Sort websites by alphabetical order or by Google PageRank (how popular a site is)

Continue reading “Q/A: Best weather websites or resources?”

Upgrades in MDC include 64-bit systems, Windows 7

In mid-January, all 18 PCs and 6 Macs in the Media Development Center (213 Hale Library) were upgraded from 32-bit systems to 64-bit systems. As a result, K-Staters will see significant improvements in processing speed, not to mention the other software upgrades made at the same time.

PCs in the center were updated to the Windows 7 operating system, Microsoft Office Suite 2010, and Adobe Creative Software Suite 5. The 64-bit systems also allow PC users to take advantage of new features in Windows 7.

Continue reading “Upgrades in MDC include 64-bit systems, Windows 7”