Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: computers

K-State computer recommendations for 2009

K-State’s computer recommendations for students buying a computer to bring to college have recently been updated with the 2009 purchasing guidelines. Intended for freshman/sophomore levels, the recommendations cover operating systems, networking, software, environmental considerations, and more. Continue reading “K-State computer recommendations for 2009”

Dell computer quotes for department purchases

This spring, IT staff from across campus worked on the annual bundled pricing of Dell computers. The team negotiated a total of five different computer packages, with two packages below $1,000. As in past years, each department is free to use the included quotes to purchase directly from Dell. Ordering instructions are at the bottom of each quote. This year’s packages and quotes are as follows:

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Tips for buying a Netbook computer

A new computer craze has been hitting the IT world over the last year. It’s called Netbooks. These tiny, ultra-portable computers are attractive for those looking for inexpensive, ultra-portable computing power. The concept appears to have evolved from the One Laptop Per Child initiative that sought to make small, portable, cheap, kid-friendly computers. A promotion during the 2007 Christmas shopping season gave one computer to a child in need and one to the purchaser for $400 total. This promotion was met with strong enthusiasm from the media and had mobile workers excited about the possibility of small, cheap computers.

The excitement turned to frenzy when Asus announced their consumer-oriented Netbook–the Eee PC. This Linux-powered computer sold for around $250 and is the catalyst for the current Netbook boom. In a span of a little over a year, we have gone from one manufacturer making Netbooks to nearly every computer manufacturer offering  some version of a Netbook. With the proliferation of the Netbook platform,  a rough guide to help with the quest for that perfect Netbook is provided below.

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Q/A: What computers are students bringing to campus?

Does K-State know what types of computers students are bringing to campus?

No data is available on computer types, but we do know the operating systems used by students who moved into the residence halls and Jardine Apartments.  The computers brought to campus had these operating systems:

  • 2,464 Windows Vista
  • 1,549 Windows XP
  • 915 Macs
  • 18 Linux
  • 8 WIndows 2000