Kansas State University


IT News


Grad students and advisers: Final ETDR walk-in help 1-5 p.m. May 10

An impromptu ETDR walk-in help session is offered 1-5 p.m. Friday, May 10, in the Media Center (1 Seaton Hall) for grad students who want to finish their ETDRs and avoid paying tuition for a credit hour in summer session.

ETDRs (electronic theses, dissertations, and reports) must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of May 10, as PDFs through the K-REx repository system.  Graduate students can use the resources below to help finish by the deadline.

The Media Center has Windows and Mac computers, scanners, Microsoft Office suite, and Acrobat Pro software. Media Center consultants are on hand to help with  PDF-conversion issues. 

Continue reading “Grad students and advisers: Final ETDR walk-in help 1-5 p.m. May 10”

Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help sessions April 15-19

The spring semester deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, April 19 for submitting ETDRs (electronic theses, dissertations, and reports) to the Graduate School.  All ETDRs must be submitted as PDFs through the K-REx repository system.  Graduate students can use the resources below to help finish by the deadline.

A. Walk-in ETDR help sessions are scheduled April 15-19: 

  • MON April 15, 3-5 p.m.
  • TUE  April 16, 6-8 p.m.
  • WED April 17, 10 a.m.-noon
  • THU  April 18, 6-8 p.m.
  • FRI   April 19, 1-5 p.m.

All sessions are in the Media Center in Seaton Hall, Room 1 (basement level). The center has Windows and Mac computers, scanners, Microsoft Office suite, and Acrobat Pro software. Media Center consultants are on hand to help with  PDF-conversion issues.  Continue reading “Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help sessions April 15-19”

Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help sessions Nov. 6-16

The fall semester deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16 for submitting ETDRs (electronic theses, dissertations, and reports) to the Graduate School.  All ETDRs must be submitted as PDFs through the K-REx repository system.  Use the resources below to help finish by the deadline.

Walk-in ETDR help sessions Nov. 6-16

  • Nov. 6 (Tue) — 5-7 p.m.
  • Nov. 7 (Wed) — 4-6 p.m.
  • Nov. 9 (Fri) — 3-5 p.m.
  • Nov. 13 (Tue) — 5-7 p.m.
  • Nov. 15 (Thu) — 5-7 p.m.
  • Nov. 16 (Fri) — 1-5 p.m.

All sessions are in the Media Center in Seaton Hall, Room 1 (basement level). The center has Windows and Mac computers, scanners, Microsoft Office suite, and Acrobat Pro software to fix problems with PDF conversion.  Continue reading “Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help sessions Nov. 6-16”

Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help Friday, Aug. 10

The summer semester deadline for submitting theses and dissertations to the Graduate School is 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10.  Electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDRs) must be submitted as PDFs through the K-REx repository. Use the following resources to finish up this week:

  1. Attend a walk-in ETDR help session 1-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10, in the Dickens 1 computing lab (located east of Hale Library). The lab has 32 Windows computers.
  2. Send an ETDR Request Form to get help via email on formatting issues, PDF conversion, K-REx, and so on. Attach thesis/dissertation files  by using the “paperclip” icon (near the Submit button or at top). Requests are answered within 24 hours during the deadline week. 
  3. Use the ETDR Review Checklist to catch 99% of errors that cause ETDR rejection by the Graduate School.

Continue reading “Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help Friday, Aug. 10”

Grad students and advisers: No word limit in abstracts; ETDR walk-in help April 16-20

The spring semester deadline for submitting theses and dissertations to the Graduate School is 5 p.m. Friday, April 20.  Electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDRs) must be submitted as PDFs through the K-REx repository.

Abstracts no longer have a word limit.  The Graduate School removed the abstract word limit for spring 2018 and on in the ETDR Guidelines (see “Required Sections”).  Other webpages and documentation are being updated.  The ETDR Handbook and ETDR writing templates will be updated this summer.

Three walk-in ETDR sessions are scheduled April 16-20, the ETDR semester deadline week, for help on Word, PDF conversion, K-REx, etc.

  • Monday, April 16 — 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 18 — 3-6 p.m.
  • Friday, April 20 — 1-5 p.m.

All sessions are in the Media Development Center, 213 Hale Library (adjacent to the IT Help Desk).  The MDC has both Windows and Mac computers, and all have Acrobat Pro for best PDF conversion.  Continue reading “Grad students and advisers: No word limit in abstracts; ETDR walk-in help April 16-20”

Grad students: More ETDR walk-in help sessions scheduled Nov. 1, Nov. 8

In response to recent inquiries from graduate students, two more walk-in help sessions on Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) have been scheduled this semester: 5-6 p.m. Wednesdays, Nov. 1 and Nov. 8, in 407 Hale Library. These come-and-go help sessions are primarily for students graduating this semester.

ETDR walk-in help sessions are designed to give fast help on formatting theses and dissertations, Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and ETDR questions.  About 30 Windows computers are available in Hale 407.  Attendees are welcome to bring their laptops for specific help.

If you plan to attend, it will help to accommodate more students if you create an ETDR request form ahead of time and specify a meeting time (Nov. 1 ETDR session 5-6 p.m. OR Nov. 8 ETDR session 5-6 p.m.)  Otherwise, students will be asked to create the online request when they arrive.

Continue reading “Grad students: More ETDR walk-in help sessions scheduled Nov. 1, Nov. 8”

Grad students and faculty: Two ETDR walk-in seminars September-October

Two walk-in help seminars are scheduled September-October for graduate students who want faster help on thesis/dissertation formatting, Microsoft Word, and LaTeX.  Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) sessions are scheduled:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 13 — 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 18 — 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Both sessions are in 407 Hale Library.  Hale 407 has Windows computers, and attendees are welcome to bring their own Mac and Windows laptops.

Topics include:

  • How to use K-State’s ETDR writing templates (Word and LaTeX)
  • Timesavers, tools, and solutions in Microsoft Word
  • Review your ETDR to meet Graduate School requirements
  • Prior publication and copyright resources
  • Automated features (Table of Contents, figure/table captions, and more)

Each session starts with an overview of ETDR resources and concludes with a question/answer period.  Leave as soon as your questions are answered, or stay and learn more about ETDR resources and using Word efficiently.

Distance students or others who cannot attend may request an ETDR meeting via Zoom webconference, in person, or by phone.  Class presentations are also available in person or via Zoom.  Use the ETDR request form (K-State eID/password required) to specify what help you need and to schedule meeting times.  Response time is 24-48 hours.

New thesis/dissertation requirements for 2017 

These changes are now mandatory for all theses, dissertations, and reports submitted in 2017 and on:

  • Title format must be in sentence case (not ALL CAPS)
  • Author name format must be in standard name format with uppercase/lowercase, as shown in KSIS records (not ALL CAPS)
  • Copyright line new format:  © Firstname Lastname 2017.

For more resources, see the ETDR website.

Grad students and advisers: ETDR walk-in help sessions Aug. 9-11

The summer deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 11, for submitting electronic theses, dissertations, and reports (ETDRs) to the Graduate School via the K‑REx repository system (krex.k-state.edu).

Walk-in help sessions are scheduled the last three days of the ETDR deadline week:

Wednesday, Aug. 9 — 3-6 p.m. 
Thursday, Aug. 10 — 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 
Friday, Aug. 11 — 2-5 p.m.

All sessions are in the Media Development Center, 213 Hale Library, which is adjacent to the IT Help Desk.  The MDC has both Windows and Mac computers, and all of them have Acrobat Pro for optimum PDF conversion.

Zoom conferencing for distance students

During the deadline week, students not on the K-State-Manhattan campus can schedule individual Zoom conferences and phone meetings by using the ETDR Request Form (K-State eID/password required) on a first-come, first-served basis.

Want a preliminary review of your ETDR?  

  1. Before you submit your ETDR to K-REx, use the ETDR Review Checklist to catch 99% of errors that cause ETDR rejections.
  2. Use the ETDR Request Form (requires eID/password sign-in) to get a review by the ETDR consultant. Use the “paperclip” icon at top to attach your Word file or PDF, and specify “Email” as the contact method.

More about ETDR resources is on the ETDR website at k-state.edu/grad/etdr.

More ETDR walk-in help sessions scheduled April 17-21

The spring semester deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, April 21, for submitting theses and dissertations to the Graduate School (via the K-REx system).

Grad students who miss the last weekly ETDR walk-in clinic 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. today (Wednesday, April 12, in Hale 301A) may be glad to hear more ETDR help sessions are scheduled every day of the ETDR deadline week April 17-21:

Monday, April 17 — 1-5 p.m.
Tuesday, April 18 — 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday, April 19 — 9-noon
Thursday, April 20 — 1-5 p.m.
Friday, April 21 — 1-5 p.m.

Continue reading “More ETDR walk-in help sessions scheduled April 17-21”

Thesis and dissertation walk-in help 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays in Hale 301A

Master’s and doctoral students who are writing or having formatting issues with their theses and dissertations are encouraged to attend Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports (ETDR) weekly walk-in clinics 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. every Wednesday through April 12 in 301A Hale Library, even during spring break.

Stop by and get your Word and LaTeX questions answered.  Leave when you like.  Stay and learn more tips, timesavers, and solutions.  Bring a laptop if you want specific help on your ETDR.  Topics vary (depending on your questions) but usually include:

  • Getting started using K-State’s ETDR writing templates
  • Reviewing ETDRs to meet Graduate School requirements
  • Prior publication
  • Adding figure/table captions
  • Plus your specific formatting needs

Distance students or those who cannot attend may request an ETDR meeting in person, by phone, or via Zoom webconferencing.  Class presentations are also available in person or via Zoom.  Use an ETDR request form (K-State eID/password required) to specify help needed and schedule meeting times.   Response time is 24-48 hours.

Reminder: New requirements for spring 2017 

Last August, updated ETDR writing templates went on the ETDR website with three changes that are now required for all theses, dissertations, and reports submitted in spring 2017 and on:

  1. Title format must be in sentence case (not ALL CAPS)
  2. Author name format must be in standard name format with uppercase/lowercase, as shown in KSIS records (not ALL CAPS)
  3. Copyright line new format:  © Firstname Lastname 2017.