Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: flexbooks

“Communication, collaboration, and publishing” demos at technology showcase March 13

(Author’s note:  This is the fourth in a series about the faculty demonstrations scheduled for K-State’s technology showcase March 13. Information is excerpted from the complete list of faculty demonstrations on the ksushowcase.wordpress.com website.)  

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty/staff are invited to attend free and see demos, visit with vendors, and win prizes. Pre-registration is required at ksushowcase.wordpress.com/registration and closes March 9.

Communication, collaboration, and publishing are more important than ever in the age of technology.  These faculty demonstrations March 13 will show tools, techniques, strategies and resources to enhance information sharing and publication.

Using Digital Media for Collaborative Learning — See examples of tools and techniques for bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to the world. Topics include writing for a global audience, new media literacy, the impact of digital media upon traditional education and the workplace, and online digital ethnographic research.

Using Flexbooks to Supplement/Replace the Traditional Textbook — Open educational resources (OER) provide free or lower cost alternatives to textbooks, where prices are increasing and students are slower to buy. This demo will show K-State’s  Human Nutrition (HN 400) Flexbook (goo.gl/vOAnR) made in Google Docs. Learn what the flexbook is, how it was developed, students’ perceptions of it, and see this recent article.

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Register for the Teaching, Learning and Technology Showcase

K-State faculty will share their teaching experiences and vendors will demonstrate their products at the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. Come and join the event, discuss over coffee, and stay for a light lunch. Prize drawings will be held throughout the showcase.

Registration for the event is required for planning purposes.

Mini-presentations will be held on the hour at the showcase. To learn more, go to the showcase blog.

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