Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: newtech

46″ TV among prizes at Tech Showcase next week

Ticket image for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase, March 1, 2011The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase for K-State faculty/staff, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom will include product demonstrations by Cytek, Dell, Microsoft, Turning Technologies and the K-State Union Computer Store. Prize drawings from those vendors will be held throughout the showcase (see the schedule of drawings in this article). In addition, a Varney’s gift card will be given to the first 200 faculty/staff who enter the ballroom.

Faculty/staff shouldn’t miss this opportunity to learn from more than 25 faculty presenters on favorite technology tools and resources. Register online to reserve your spot for the showcase and free lunch. For details about the event, see the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase blog.

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Student demand for MDC technology goes up at semester’s end

The Media Development Center in 213 Hale Library experiences a spike in demand as the end of semester nears, with few empty seats in sight and students crowding around large-screen monitors working on group projects.

Composite image of photos taken December 2010 showing students using the Media Development Center
Students doing group projects in the Media Development Center near the end of fall semester 2010

Spotlight: David Hockney in pixels (iPhone/iPad art)

Artist David Hockney’s new work uses no brush, ink, paint, or paper… and it was e-mailed to the curator for the exhibit at the Pierre Berge-Yves St. Laurent Foundation in Paris (Oct. 20-Jan. 30, 2011). First using an iPhone and the Brushes app, Hockney created works on the iPhone surface, which was followed with experimenting using the iPad.

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Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase March 1, 2011

Want to be inspired by faculty who are using an interesting technology tool in their course? Need help from an instructional designer? Want to ask a vendor a question about a technology? Mark your calendars for the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase to be held in the K-State Student Union Ballroom on March 1, 2011.

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Spotlight: Snowball microphone available for checkout

photo of new softball-sized microphone
New Blue Snowball microphone with mini-tripod available for checkout

The Blue Snowball microphone is a new piece of equipment now available at Equipment Checkout, next to the IT Help Desk in Room 214, Hale Library.

The Snowball is a high-quality microphone that’s designed to be used with its accompanying mini-tripod to:

  • Record anything from a podcast to a musical instrument
  • Record with just about any audio recording program
  • Connect to a computer via a USB port
  • Work with both PCs and Macs

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Spotlight: Zoom Q3 video recorder

photo of blue Zoom video recorder
Zoom Q3 pocket-sized video recorder

The Zoom Q3 Handy Video Recorder is a pocket-sized video recorder that records MP4 video clips. It retails for about $200. What sets this versatile video recorder apart from other similarly sized recorders is its exceptional audio quality. The Q3 has built in stereo condenser microphones that provide broadcast-quality audio.

The video and audio are also easily imported into a computer using the built-in USB cable or an SD card.

The Zoom can be checked out at no charge by students and faculty at the iTAC equipment check-out desk in 214 Hale Library.

12 new Canon camcorders available for checkout

new Canon camcorders
12 new Canon Vixia camcorders

Multimedia equipment checkout (in 214 Hale Library) is available to all K-State students and faculty/staff.

  • 12 new handheld Canon camcorders have been added.
  • The six Canon Vixia HF M300 camcorders record to an SD memory card (a 2G card is recommended).
  • The six Canon Vixia HF M31 camcorders record to an internal hard drive or to an SD memory card.

Call 785-532-4918 to reserve this equipment. For more about available equipment and checkout policies, see the Media Development Center website.

Spotlight: New 46-inch monitors in Media Development Center

New to the Media Development Center (MDC) are two 46-inch Panasonic screens added to the video-editing area. One is connected to a PC, and one to a Mac.

4 students using a new 46-inch screen in the MDC
Student group using a new 46-inch computer screen in the MDC

This large-format screen will greatly benefit:

  • Groups working on multimedia projects
  • Users with vision challenges
  • Projects that require working across multiple computer windows

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TechBytes Oct. 21: Mobile Devices

Thomas Kuhn will present “Mobile Devices” at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, in 401B Hale Library. This session will give an overview of the best features of various mobile devices such as BlackBerry, Droid, and the iPhone.

TechBytes seminars are free and open to the K-State community. The series is also video-streamed live for off-campus viewers and others who wish to view it from their desktop. Use the View live video link on the TechBytes homepage to watch the next live video as it’s being recorded.

Spotlight: Poll Everywhere: Using various mobile devices for live classroom interactions

College students today attend their classes with a variety of web-enabled mobile devices –laptops, smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), iPads, and others. A clever new technology, Poll Everywhere uses those devices to enable faculty to interact with their students in a live way and to post their responses on-screen in real-time.

Poll Everywhere Homepage

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