Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: training

Training for using K-State’s technology classrooms

This is a friendly reminder that all K-State faculty/staff who will be using the university technology classrooms for the first time this fall must attend a short training session before they can request keys for those classrooms. Once training is completed, instructors can request keys through Facilities Key Control in Dykstra. For more information, see the Technology Classrooms website.

These one-time training sessions include:

  • An overview of the different kinds of equipment and software available
  • How to turn on and shut off the systems
  • How to properly lock/unlock the classroom and podium
  • Policies and procedures

Instructional technology staff will be available to provide training through the next few weeks and after the semester has begun. Fill out the Technology Classroom Training Request Form and someone will contact you to schedule a session. Once you have been trained in one classroom, you will be cleared for access to all other technology classrooms.

Instructors who have received training in the past are advised to attend another session if they are teaching in a different classroom or if they need a refresher on the equipment.

More information is available on the Technology Classrooms website. Contact Ryan Hagar, 785-532-4924, rhagar@k-state.edu.

To report problems in a technology classroom, use the Technology Classroom Problem Report Form.

K-State Online training available

The Information Technology Assistance Center provides K-State Online training for individuals or groups on request, through a Technology Training Request Form. Sessions are available to new K-State Online users as well as refreshers for those who have been already using K-State Online. Training topics that can be covered include:

  • Getting Started with K-State Online. Create your course and import your roster.
  • Creating Manual and Online Assignments. Create assignments that can be manually scored, and create online assignments that are automatically graded.
  • Managing Your Content. Learn how to upload and organize files within your course.
  • Enhancing Course Communication with email, announcements, a calendar, and more.
  • Managing Student Groups. Create an online space for student group projects.

You can also check out the K-State Online video tutorials and Quick Reference Guides. If you have any questions, contact Cathy Rodriguez (cathyr@k-state.edu) or Sarah Silva (gr8ful@k-state.edu).

Linking updatable data to a timeline with Microsoft Visio

Manually building various informational graphics can be time-consuming and tedious, particularly if the data is continually changing. One feature of Microsoft Visio 2010 enables the integration of existing information from a variety of sources (an Excel workbook, an Access database, and others) to be pulled into an informational graphic. This also enables easy updating of previously connected data for an engaging and up-to-date visual.

First, open Visio and in the File Menu, go to New. You will be asked to choose from a range of templates.

Select Project Timeline by clicking the highlighted template. Then click the Create button at the right, just below the image of the timeline.
Continue reading “Linking updatable data to a timeline with Microsoft Visio”

Q/A: How long to scroll 69 million computer addresses?

At last week’s IT Security Training Event, a competition was held to guess how long it would take to display 69,404,957 IP addresses. Those addresses represent machines that were attacked by a recently compromised computer at K-State.

Continue reading “Q/A: How long to scroll 69 million computer addresses?”

IDT Roundtable April 14 on technology for the learning environment

Faculty and students are invited to attend this week’s IDT Roundtable on effective and innovative use of technology in K-State courses, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14, at the K-State Student Union, Room 212.

Continue reading “IDT Roundtable April 14 on technology for the learning environment”

Remember: Sign up for the FREE April 13 IT Security Training Event

Time is running out to sign up for the April 13 IT Security training event. This year’s event is 8:30 a.m.-4 pm. Wednesday, April 13, in the K-State Student Union and will feature eight break-out sessions. Most sessions will be presented twice. The event is open to all K-State faculty, staff, and students. To attend either the full day or even part of the day, register here.

Note that one of the break-out sessions is the live version of the mandatory “SecureIT@K-State” IT security training.  A separate attendance will be taken at that session in order to ensure that attendees receive credit from Human Resources for completing the annual security-training requirement.

Register now for free IT security training event April 13

This April, K-State’s Office of Information Security and Compliance (OISC) is hosting a free Cybersecurity Training Event 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, at the K-State Student Union. Register for the free security training April 13.

Continue reading “Register now for free IT security training event April 13”

Mac computer help, training, and more

Looking to buy a new Mac? Need help making the switch? No worries, your Apple campus student rep is available 9 a.m.-noon every Wednesday in the Union Computer Store through May 11.

If you have more questions or would like to set up a 1-to-1 training, e-mail him at travisheideman@apple.com.

by Travis Heideman, K-State’s Apple campus student representative

Departments: Need a quick tech tip or demo?

Need a quick tech tip at your next department meeting? Request a session with technology staff from the Information Technology Assistance Center (iTAC). They can give a 15- to 30-minute presentation on topics such as: