Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: tutorials

K-State Online video tutorials and quick-reference guides

Do you need to brush up on your K-State Online skills or do you want to learn something new? Check out the K-State Online video tutorials. The following are a few examples of available tutorials:

If you prefer print format, various quick reference guides are available. If you have any questions or need assistance with K-State Online, contact Cathy Rodriguez (cathyr@k-state.edu) or Sarah Silva (gr8ful@k-state.edu).

Spotlight: Five-minute videos

5minVideopediaThe “5min Life Videopedia” website (www.5min.com) has a plethora of five-minute instructional videos covering many different categories, such as home, food, music, travel, technology, and more.

You can create your own videos and upload them to the site, or add existing videos to your own website with a few easy steps. You can either have a single video that’s related to your page or you can add a video thumbnail strip that displays multiple videos related to your page. In both cases, the VideoSeed tool analyzes the content of your pages and then displays relevant videos.

For starters, check out this video that gives a tour of Windows 7.