Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

LAST DAY TO REGISTER….70th Annual Kansas Turfgrass Conference

By Brooke Garcia


The 70th Kansas Turfgrass Conference is just 2 weeks away. The LAST DAY  TO REGISTER is this Friday, November 27th.

Pesticide recertification credits are available!  Attached is a copy of the program.  You can register online at: https://2020turfconference.eventbrite.com

Your attendance and participation in the annual conference are critical for ongoing support of turfgrass research, and this year your participation is even more critical. Funds raised through the conference are used to help support research centers, pay research associates who manage the centers, and allow for ongoing research projects that improve turf management strategies and help reduce operating budgets.

One advantage to this year’s conference is you can attend from a distance, and not pay for the cost of travel or lodging!  The lineup of speakers is impressive, and includes specialists from other state universities.

Join us, support K-State turfgrass research, and learn new information!  We look forward to having you at this year’s conference!