We are writing this letter to inform everyone that the Kansas State Student Chapter Golf Course Superintendents of America Association is offering yard cleanup to anyone interested. We will be offering winter cleanup and hauling away any debris you would like us too. We are doing this as a fundraiser to help us get to San Diego in February to attend the national Golf Course Industry show. Going to this trade show is more than just seeing all of the new things coming out in the industry, it is a great way to network for potential internships and employment after graduation. We will also be competing with schools from across the country at the Collegiate Turf bowl, which is hosted by John Deere every year. Our goals are to represent Kansas State University in the best manner possible and any help we can get is appreciated. We will be asking for donations for this cause, the recommended donation is $50. We are also offering yard painting for the winter if you would like to keep that lush green color, the recommended donation for that is also $50. The donations can be written in a check to the Kansas State Student Chapter GCSAA, or cash is always accepted. We will provide you with a receipt for the transaction. If you are interested in having your yard cleaned by us you can contact us by phone: (620) 224-6109 or email: nlstark@ksu.edu. If you have any questions feel free to contact us as well.
Thank you,
The Kansas State Student Chapter GCSAA