Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Category: Education Events

Conference Speaker Highlights: Matt Cavanaugh

We are fortunate to have three great out-of-state speakers join us at the Kansas Turf and Landscape Conference this year.  These individuals include Matt Cavanaugh, golf course superintendent in MN; Dr. Chase Straw, Assistant Professor at Texas A&M Univ.; and Dr. Aaron Patton, Professor at Purdue Univ.  Matt Cavanaugh highlighted here – more information on others coming soon.  Matt will have the following presentations:  “Work is Hard – Why Not Have Some Fun!”; “No Mow Fine Fescue Areas – What Works and What Doesn’t;” “You’re Doing What?”

View the program and mail the completed the paper registration form with payment OR you can register online at: https://2023turfandlandscapeconference.eventbrite.com
You receive a discounted rate if you register before November 22.   Sponsorship Opportunities are also available.


Conference Speaker Highlights: Dr. Aaron Patton

We are fortunate to have three great out-of-state speakers join us at the Kansas Turf and Landscape Conference this year.  These individuals include Matt Cavanaugh, golf course superintendent in MN; Dr. Chase Straw, Assistant Professor at Texas A&M Univ.; and Dr. Aaron Patton, Professor at Purdue Univ.  Dr. Aaron Patton is highlighted here.  Aaron will have the following presentations:  “The Impact of Spray Tank Water on Pesticide Performance”; “Identifying and Controlling Tough Broadleaf Weeds”; “Growing Turf in Low-Light, Shaded Environments”; “How to Handle Excessive Shade on the Golf Course” (Panel Discussion).

View the program and mail the completed the paper registration form with payment OR you can register online at: https://2023turfandlandscapeconference.eventbrite.com
You receive a discounted rate if you register before November 22.   Sponsorship Opportunities are also available.

Visit with Industry Representatives at the Kansas Turf and Landscape Conference Trade Show

Register for the Kansas Turf and Landscape Conference and chat with various turf and landscape industry exhibitors!

The 73rd annual Kansas Turfgrass and Landscape Conference, held November 29 & 30 (Wednesday and Thursday), 2023 at the Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan also hosts a trade show to see all the latest products and supplies from local and national vendors.

Vendors will have a booth with representatives present for the following companies:

Interested in being part of the trade show as an exhibitor or as sponsor for the event? Register online or contact Christy Dipman for more information at cdipman@ksu.edu or 785-532-6173.


2023 Turf & Landscape Conference Discounted Registration Rate Prior to November 22

The 73rd Annual Kansas Turf & Landscape Conference will be held on November 29 & 30 (Wednesday and Thursday) at the Hilton Garden Inn, Manhattan.  The conference is an excellent way to learn about turf and landscape management, visit with old friends, network with new ones, and see all the latest products and supplies from local and national vendors.

The conference has been approved for commercial pesticide recertification hours:
1 Core hour
3A – 7 hours
3B – 7hours

GCSAA education points and International Society of Arboriculture CEUS will also be available by attending the conference.

View the program and mail the completed the paper registration form with payment OR you can register online at: https://2023turfandlandscapeconference.eventbrite.com
You receive a discounted rate if you register before November 22.   Sponsorship Opportunities are also available.

Contact Christy Dipman at cdipman@ksu.edu or 785-532-6173 for more information.

Hotel Reservations Updated

The Hilton Garden Inn has sold out of rooms. You can get a discounted rate at the following hotels within walking distance to the conference:

  • Fairfield Inn ($108) Group Code: Kansas Turfgrass Foundation (KTF)
  • Holiday Inn Express ($99) Group Code: KTF

Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Trainings Offered This Fall

The K-State Research and Extension Pesticide Safety and IPM Program will be hosting multiple commercial pesticide applicator recertification training opportunities this fall.

Date        Training and Category                                                 Location 

Oct 16      Ag Wildlife (1C)                                                         Hays
Oct 30      Right-of-Way, Industrial Weed, Noxious Weed (6, 7C, 9A) Wichita
Nov 1       Ag Plant (1A)                                                            Salina
Nov 6-7    Forestry, Ornamental, Turf, Interiorscape (2, 3A, 3B, 3C)  Virtual
Nov 28     Aquatics (5)                                                             Emporia

Registration may be mailed or completed online.

Call Frannie Miller with the Pesticide & IPM Program at (620) 241-1523 or email fmiller@ksu.edu for additional information regarding the above trainings.

Commercial applicators may obtain recertification training credits any time during their active three year certification period. Commercial applicators have until December 31 of the year of expiration to earn credits. It is the commercial applicator’s responsibility to obtain the required credits.

The renewal period will open in October of the year of expiration. Make sure your renewal application and recertification fees are received by KDA by the December 31 expiration date of their certification to maintain continuous certification. For those who attended complete training during their certification period, the application form and fees will be accepted for 30 days following the certification expiration date. If certification fees are not paid to KDA by January 30, the applicator will be required to take the examinations to restart the certification process.

Credits may be viewed through the commercial applicator’s KDA Portal account.

More opportunities to earn commercial pesticide applicator credits can be found on the KDA website at: https://portal.kda.ks.gov/PAF/PafTraining/TrainingEventList. If you have questions, please contact the KDA Pesticide & Fertilizer Program by e-mail at kda.pestfert@ks.gov or call 785-564-6688.

Online Marketing Course for Horticulture Businesses

Next week, the 7th annual Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement (CREE) Insight Summit Course launches. There is still time to register! The course covers all aspects of digital marketing through the lens of agriculture with many specific horticulture examples. It is primarily a self-paced online course (with videos, interactive learning tools, and lots of unbiased, research-based information) with Zoom sessions and office hours (with me!).

Topics covered include trends in social media, CREE Research, building your business’s narrative, establishing a new-media baseline, analytics, e-newsletters, Instagram, e-commerce, improving visual content, cybersecurity, and more!

Each participant will receive access to the online course, access to the national team of experts, an exclusive Insight Summit Facebook group community, a set of printed resources mailed to you, an online strategy for your organization or business, and lots of ideas and plans for content development and delivery.

The investment price of Insight Summit is $199. You will receive hands-on experience in an intimate setting from the comfort of your own workspace. All you need is access to a webcam and high-speed internet to participate.

Take back the trajectory of your business with the tools and strategies provided through the 2023 CREE Insight Summit. I can’t wait to see you there!


2023 Kansas Turf & Landscape Conference Registration Now Open

The Kansas Turf & Landscape Conference will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan on November 29 & 30 (Wednesday & Thursday). The conference is an excellent way to learn about turf and landscape management. Visit with old friends, network with new ones, and see all the latest in products and supplies from local and national vendors.

Sessions include Basic Turf, Nursery & Landscape; Disease, Insects & Weeds; Sports Turf; Golf Course; Dealing with Pests.

Vendors will be on hand showcasing their latest products and supplies. The conference brochure will be online soon and the exhibitor and sponsorship information is online at www.kansasturfgrassfoundation.com or register online at https://2023turfandlandscapeconference.eventbrite.com

Vendor/Sponsor information—https://2023exhibitorregistration.eventbrite.com

The conference has been approved for the following:

State Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credit Hours:
1 Core Hour       3A—7 hours        3B— 7 hours

GCSAA Education Points and Intl. Society of Arboriculture CEUs will also be available.

Two-minute Turf Extension Video: Upcoming Field Day Highlights

A brief overview of a few stops that will be seen at the Olathe Horticulture Research Center can be found on the this video.  We look forward to seeing you at the Olathe Center on August 3rd!


CLICK HERE to see the video that provides an overview of the Field Day!

Register for Field Day using the QR code below or visiting https://2023turfday.eventbrite.com

Registration Open for Kansas Turf and Ornamentals Field Day

On August 3, 2023 the Kansas Turf and Ornamentals Field Day will be held at the Olathe Horticulture Research and Extension Center.

Field Day is designed for all segments of the turf and ornamentals industry to include lawn care, athletic fields, golf courses, nursery, landscape, and grounds maintenance. This year’s program includes research presentations, problem diagnosis and commercial exhibits. There will also be time to see current research and talk to experts! A box lunch will be provided.

View the Turf Field Day Program for tour highlights and registration details. Please submit registration with payment by July 25.

Exhibitors who plan to attend should complete registration with payment by July 20 in order to secure a spot at this year’s field day.


Mark Your Calendar: August 3 – Turf and Ornamentals Field Day in Olathe, KS









On August 3, 2023 the Kansas Turf and Ornamentals Field Day will be held at the Olathe Horticulture Research and Extension Center. At least 8 stops will be included in this year’s field day with some highlights including: new zoysia cultivar release; weed, insect, and disease control; tall fescue and fine fescue variety trials; ornamental selection and management. More details will be coming– mark your calendar!