Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Category: Education Events

Turfgrass Field Day Series

By Dr. Jack Fry, featuring video by Mu Hong

Turfgrass Field Day would have been on August 6th, 2020, had we been able to have an in-person event this summer. This is certainly a first! For that reason, we’re offering a few short video summaries of research projects being conducted by K-State faculty and researchers. Videos don’t exceed 5 minuets, and the forth video in the series, by Mu Hong, current Ph.D. student in Horticulture, is featured below. Mu discusses minimum water requires that are required for Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue to survive long drought periods.

2020 Field Day Video Series Video 4 Part 1 – Mu Hong (Link Here)

2020 Field Day Video Series Video 4 Part 2 – Mu Hong (Link Here)

For more details on related research conducted on zoysiagrass by Mu and Dr. Dale Bremer, click on the link below to see an article in the 2020 K-State Turfgrass Research Report:  https://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol6/iss7/2/

Turfgrass Field Day Series

By Dani McFadden

Turfgrass Field Day would have been on August 6th, 2020, had we been able to have an in-person event this summer. This is certainly a first! For that reason, we’re offering a few short video summaries of research projects being conducted by K-State faculty and researchers. Videos don’t exceed 5 minuets, and the third video in the series, by Dani McFadden, current M.S. student in Horticulture, is featured below. You will see more videos in the coming weeks.

2020 Field Day Series Video 3 (Link Here): Research Update by Dani McFadden

For more details on this research, click on the link below to see an article in the 2020 K-State Turfgrass Research Report:


Turfgrass Field Day Video Series

By Manoj Chhetri
Turfgrass Field Day would have been on August 6th, 2020, had we been able to have an in-person event this summer. This is certainly a first! For that reason, we’re offering a few short video summaries of research projects being conducted by K-State faculty and researchers. Videos don’t exceed 5 minuets, and the second video in the series is featured below. You will see more videos in the coming weeks.
Irrigation Strategies to Save Water on ‘Innovation’ Zoysiagrass
Manoj Chhetri
For more details on this research, click on the link below to see an article in the 2020 K-State Turfgrass Research Report: https://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol6/iss7/3/


Turfgrass Field Day Video Series

By Dr. Jack Fry

Turfgrass Field Day would have been on August 6 had we been able to have an in-person event this summer – this is a first!  For that reason, we’re offering a few short video summaries of research projects being done by K-State faculty and researchers.  Videos don’t exceed 5 minutes – the first is below, and you’ll see more in the coming weeks.
Zoysiagrass NTEP Study at the Olathe Horticulture Center
Dr. Jack Fry
Here are some related summaries of progress on zoysiagrass research from the 2020 Turfgrass Research Report:


Today would have been the 2020 Turfgrass Field Day!!!

By Brooke Garcia

Did you know that today would have been the K-State Turfgrass Field Day? We wish we could be together at Rocky Ford in Manhattan — presenting research, providing problem diagnosis, networking with our commercial exhibitors, and gazing at the amazing equipment displays!

We do plan to post written and video research updates throughout the remainder of the year on the Turf and Landscape Blog, accessible through our website: https://www.k-state.edu/turf/

Be sure to tune in over the next couple of weeks. We will be highlighting research and providing some awesome visuals of Rocky Ford Research Station in honor of the 2020 Turfgrass Field Day.

Thanks for your continued support! We can’t wait to connect again in-person one day. May the grass be greener on the other side.

Today is the start of…. National Pollinator Week!

By Brooke M. Garcia

Happy National Pollinator Week! National Pollinator Week occurs every year around mid-June. This year, June 22-28th, 2020 is dedicated to celebrating pollinators and promoting how we can protect them in the landscape and/or environment. What can you do this week to protect or promote a pollinator?

Here are some ideas to show your support:

  • Plant native plants in the landscape
  • Educate employees on pesticide safety
  • Display pollinator artwork and outreach materials in your office lobby
  • Highlight Pollinator Week in a newsletter, blog, or magazine
  • Host a nature walk or pollinator expert lecture

Use the hashtag #pollinatorweek to promote pollinator week, events and resources shared.

For more information about National Pollinator Week, you can visit the official website.

Visit our K-State Pesticide Safety and Integrated Pest Management Facebook page to stay tuned with educational topics related to pollinators, pesticide safety, and IPM.

Upcoming #KStateGardenHour Topics – REGISTER NOW!!!

By Brooke M. Garcia

The K-State Garden Hour is a successful online webinar series, hosted by K-State Research and Extension. Each week, the series is hosted on Wednesdays from 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. CST. This virtual series will provide information on a variety of horticultural topics, as well as highlight educational topics related to plant selection, entomology, plant pathology and integrated pest management.

Here are the upcoming topics for the month of July:

To learn more about any of the topics featured, visit the K-State Garden Hour webpage: K-State Garden Hour Webinar Series

Each webinar in the series has a separate registration page. You will need to click on each webinar that you would like to attend. Please preregister for each session online. 

You can also find, promote and share each webinar on Facebook, via the Facebook Events

If you have any questions, please email our team at ksuemg@k-state.edu.


By Brooke M. Garcia

Join K-State Research and Extension for a new gardening series called “K-State Garden Hour.” This free weekly series will be every Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. This virtual series will provide information on a variety of horticultural topics, as well as highlight educational topics related to plant selection, entomology, plant pathology, and integrated pest management.

Whether you’re new to gardening or have some experience, you’re sure to learn something new. Discussions will be led by K-State Extension Professionals throughout the state of Kansas. This event is limited to 500 participants. Sessions will be recorded and posted here after each event: https://hnr.k-state.edu/extension/info-center/k-state-garden-hour-webinar-series/k_state_garden_hour.html

Here are the featured topics for the next few weeks:

Wednesday, May 20th: Native Plants in the Landscape – Pam Paulsen, Reno County Horticulture Extension Agent

  • Native plants can be a great addition to your landscape. They are well adapted to local growing conditions and serve as important food sources for beneficial insects, birds and other wildlife. Pam will cover a number of native plant species and how they can be used in your landscape.

Wednesday, May 27th: Taking Care of Tomatoes – Tom Buller, Douglas County Horticulture Extension Agent and Judy O’Mara, K-State Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab

  • Many maintenance techniques can improve your tomato plant health, while also increasing plant yield. Tom will cover tasks including training, irrigating, pruning and insect management and Judy will discuss tomato diseases that occur in Kansas and how to manage them.

Wednesday, June 3rd: Making and Supporting Pollinators In The Garden – Jason Graves, Central Kansas District Horticulture Extension Agent

  • Making and supporting pollinators should not be optional since they are essential to maintaining the vast number of ecosystem services we all rely on every single day. Jason will explore who our pollinators are, understanding pollinator needs and what we can do to make and support pollinators in our own yards.

Each webinar in the series has a separate registration page. You will need to click on each webinar that you would like to attend. Please pre-register for each session herehttps://hnr.k-state.edu/extension/info-center/k-state-garden-hour-webinar-series/k_state_garden_hour.html

You can also find, promote, and share each webinar on Facebook using our hashtag #KStateGardenHour and via our Facebook Events: https://www.facebook.com/pg/kstate.hnr/events/?ref=page_internal

2020 Turf and Landscape Field Day Canceled

By Megan Kennelly

The turf team looks forward to the field day each year. However, due to the continuing complications from COVID-19, KSU has extended the limit on face-to-face campus gatherings until at least July 31. KSU has a team working with health officials to monitor the ongoing situation and make science-based decisions on when and how to ramp up campus operations.

Field Day was scheduled for August 6, 2020. The field day takes significant time to plan and prepare. With the uncertainty of when campus operations will allow face-to-face gatherings, especially those of the size and scope of Field Day, we’ve made the decision to cancel the 2020 Kansas Turfgrass and Landscape Field Day this year. Thank you for understanding, and we continue to wish good health to you, your co-workers, and your families.

In addition, although turf research is continuing at Rocky Ford, the Olathe Horticulture Center, and the Pair Center, all centers are closed to the public and researchers must minimize their time at the facilities.

We do plan to post written and video research updates through the remainder of the year on the Turf and Landscape Blog, accessible through our website, ksu.edu/turf.  Next year’s Kansas Turfgrass and Landscape Field Day will be at the Rocky Ford Turfgrass Research Center in Manhattan on August 5, 2021.  We are looking forward to seeing you at the 70th Annual Kansas Turfgrass Conference, December 8, 9, and 10, 2020 in Topeka, KS. In the meantime, you can keep in touch with us here on the blog.

Thank you for a wonderful Turfgrass Conference!

By: Brooke Garcia

We would like to THANK YOU for attending the 69th Annual Kansas Turfgrass Conference in Manhattan, KS!

This three day conference was hosted in Manhattan, KS on December 4th, 5th, and 6th. The conference is hosted by the Kansas Turfgrass Foundation, in conjunction with KNLA. This was the first year this conference was located in Manhattan, and we have received a lot of great feedback. Thank you to everyone who shared their input. We appreciate all of our participants who were able to attend, learn, and grow at this conference.

We would like to especially thank our featured speakers. They are pictured above from left to right (From Left: Dr. Josh Friell, Dr. Frank Wong, Dr. Roch Gaussoin, and Dr. Matthew Elmore). In addition to our featured speakers, we had a variety of sessions that were led by university faculty, companies, and leaders in the turf industry. Whether you’re new to the turf industry or a seasoned professional, everyone was provided with an opportunity to learn something new.

In addition, we would like to express our gratitude to all of our vendors who participated in the conference, as well as offered their sponsorship. Thank you for taking your time to network with the many participants who attended the conference.

Thank you for a wonderful way to end the year! Happy Holidays!