Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Category: Insects

Nozzles and water quality, you snooze you lose

Nozzles and water quality? Does that make you yawn?

Let’s start with nozzles


Spray nozzles might seem like a boring topic, but as stated in an article by Shepard, Agnew, Fidanza, Kaminski, and Dant in 2006 in Golf Course Management, nozzles are “The last piece of equipment through which sprays pass before contact with the turf.”

Think about the cost of all that stuff going through the sprayer, the time of the person applying those materials, and the fuel to power that sprayer (unless it’s a hand-sprayer, in which case I guess you count the cost of the donuts to feed that person walking around). Nozzles are small, and they don’t cost much, but they can really contribute to the success of an application and help maximize the bang for your buck on all those OTHER costs.

(Gee… I really need a donut!)

megan donut

Anyway – as noted in the article cited above, nozzles determine the amount of chemical applied, the uniformity of the application, the coverage, and they can influence the risk of drift. Make sure you calibrate your equipment, replace worn nozzles, and follow all label instructions about application equipment for the materials you are spraying. A worn-out nozzle could easily be allowing 10% or more excess material to be applied, which = 10% more money. Equipment that is not calibrated right might be applying LESS than you need to get adequate control.

Okay – now onto water quality.

Water quality? Snooze?

I just said that nozzles are the last thing to touch the materials before it goes soaring through the air and smacks into the plant. Water? That’s the stuff that cozies up with the product as soon as it hits the tank and stays with it the whole way.

Pop quiz – Which of these can affect pesticide performance?

  • Water pH
  • Water hardness
  • Dissolved minerals
  • Suspended solids

Or – you guessed it – all of the above.

Do you know what the pH of your water is? When is the last time you tested it?

There is an excellent publication on The Impacts of Water Quality on Pesticide Performance from Purdue. It is an easy read that discusses these factors with some pointers about testing. For example, pH can be testing using easy at-home test strips.

Be sure to follow all label instructions about water quality. Some pesticides are very sensitive to high pH, for example.

Don’t forget about some of those basic nuts and bolts, like nozzles, calibration, and water. If you don’t test them out now and then, there could be problems lurking that you don’t know about.


Get the grubs while the grub gettin’ is good.

(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)
IMG_2447I know we still have a little bit of time before we need to apply grub control but it is better to be prepared instead of trying to catch up after grubs have destroyed your turf.

In the summer time we typically see dead spots in turf due to many factors but one of those could be annual white grubs.  The annual white grub is one of the most common grub pests in Kansas.  Masked chafers emerge from the soil around mid June in Kansas then after mating they deposit eggs back into the soil.  They then grow and develop in the soil and mature around September.  This is when we typically see damage in turf, once the grubs are large.  But if we can get them before they get big the easier it is to control.

So for control measures, you can apply it preventatively or as a rescue treatment (after you have already seen damage.

Preventative controls should be applied during that time when the grubs are mating and laying eggs.  This is typically in June/July time frame. Using a preventative insecticide gives you greater flexibility.  Products for preventative applications contain the systemic active ingredients; imidacloprid, chlorantraniliprole, clothianidin, thiamethoxam and halofenozide.  For a complete list of chemicals go here;


IMG_2445Rescue treatments are “wait-and-see” if you have grubs type of application. If you have grubs you can easily pull up the turf like carpet because all the roots are gone and you also might see skunk, raccoon and bird damage where they have tried to eat the grubs.  Rescue treatments consist of carbaryl and trichlorfon.

For more information check out the link above!

Always remember to READ THE LABEL for the correct rate, turfgrass tolerance, and specific instructions before application!!!

***Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for identification purposes and does not imply recommendation or endorsement, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned by Kansas State University.***

Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @KSUTurf.

Also, visit our facebook page www.facebook.com/KSUTurf

Bees and Pesticides: An Overview

Dr. Raymond Cloyd has written an overview about bees and pesticides for the trade magazine Greenhouse Product News. (The information is broad and is not specific to greenhouses.) The article discusses the following topics:

  • Bee behavior
  • Pesticide explosure and Bee toxicity
  • Laboratory vs Field Conditions
  • Systemic Insecticides
  • Neonicotinoid Systemic Insecticides
  • Synergism
  • Metabolites

You can access the full article by clicking HERE or you can cut and paste the following link into your browser: http://www.gpnmag.com/article/bees-and-pesticides-an-overview/

Spring into greener lawns

094Recently KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension Specialist, Jared Hoyle, was asked a couple questions about home lawn care on Agriculture Today Radio.  Agriculture Today is a daily radio program hosted by Eric Atkinson and distribued to radio stations throughout the state. It features K-State agricultural specialists and other experts examining agricultural issues facing Kansas and the nation. To listen to the show or for a copy of the press release click below.


Sign up for The Turfgrass Management Workshop in Colby, KS

(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

Sign up today for the Turfgrass Management Workshop in Colby, KS.  This event is for anyone who manages turfgrass, from homeowners to professionals.

Kurt Sexton will be talking about soil sampling and the appropriate methods and I will be presenting on how to prepare your turfgrass for 2016.  Following the presentations we will have a question and answer session, so bring your questions!

Hope to see you there!

turf workshop colby



Kansas State Student Chapter GCSAA Yard Cleanup Drive

We are writing this letter to inform everyone that the Kansas State Student Chapter Golf Course Superintendents of America Association is offering yard cleanup to anyone interested. We will be offering winter cleanup and hauling away any debris you would like us too. We are doing this as a fundraiser to help us get to San Diego in February to attend the national Golf Course Industry show. Going to this trade show is more than just seeing all of the new things coming out in the industry, it is a great way to network for potential internships and employment after graduation. We will also be competing with schools from across the country at the Collegiate Turf bowl, which is hosted by John Deere every year. Our goals are to represent Kansas State University in the best manner possible and any help we can get is appreciated. We will be asking for donations for this cause, the recommended donation is $50. We are also offering yard painting for the winter if you would like to keep that lush green color, the recommended donation for that is also $50. The donations can be written in a check to the Kansas State Student Chapter GCSAA, or cash is always accepted. We will provide you with a receipt for the transaction. If you are interested in having your yard cleaned by us you can contact us by phone: (620) 224-6109 or email: nlstark@ksu.edu. If you have any questions feel free to contact us as well.

Thank you,

The Kansas State Student Chapter GCSAA