Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Category: Insects

Here Comes The Asian Lady Beetle!


(Photo by 


ladybeetle-BillRee-TexasAM-bugwood(Article  by Raymond Cloyd, KSU Entomology)

This is the time of year when the Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis adults start entering homes and becoming a nuisance. The Asian lady beetle is a native of Asia and was introduced into the southeastern and southwestern portions of USA to deal with aphids on pecan trees. However, it spread rapidly to other portions of the USA. It is a tree-dwelling lady beetle, more so than the native species of lady beetles, and a very efficient predator of aphids and scales.

During fall and early winter, when the weather is cooler, Asian lady beetle adults start congregating on the south side of buildings and entering homes. The beetle does this because in their homeland of China they inhabit tall cliffs to overwinter. There are very few “tall cliffs” in Kansas—so the next best thing is a building.

The Asian lady beetle can be easily distinguished from other species of lady beetles by the presence of a pair of white, oval markings directly behind the head, which forms a black M-shaped pattern. Adults are 1/4 inch long, 3/16 inch wide and yellow to dark-orange colored. In addition, their body is usually covered with 19 black spots. Adults can live up to 3 years. Female beetles lay yellow, oval-shaped eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves. The eggs hatch into larvae that are red-orange and black in color, and shaped like a miniature alligator. The larvae are primarily found on plants feeding on soft-bodied insects such as aphids and scales. They eventually enter a pupal stage. Pupae can be seen attached to plant leaves. The adults emerge from the pupae and start feeding on aphids. Adults can be found on a wide-variety of trees including apple, maple, oak, pine, and poplar.

Asian lady beetle adults are a nuisance pest because they tend to congregate and overwinter inside buildings in large numbers. The beetles release a pheromone that attracts more beetles to the same area. Although the beetles may bite, they do not physically harm humans nor can they breed or reproduce indoors. Beetles are attracted to lights and light-colored buildings, especially the south side where it is warm. They then work their way into buildings through cracks and crevices. Dark-colored buildings generally have fewer problems with beetles (so now is the time to paint your house). Adult beetles will feed on ripening fruit such as peaches, apples, and grapes creating shallow holes in the fruit. Large numbers of beetles feeding on fruit may cause substantial damage so that the fruit is less appealing for consumption.

Beetles may be prevented from entering homes by caulking or sealing cracks and crevices. Beetles already in homes can be physically removed by sweeping them or vacuuming. Be sure to thoroughly empty the vacuum bags afterward. Do not kill the beetles. Just release them outdoors underneath a shrub or tree away from the house. Commercially available indoor light traps can be used to deal with beetles indoors. The traps need to be placed near the center of a room and they are only effective at night in the absence of competing light. In addition, they work best when room temperatures are 75°F or higher.

If crushed, the beetles will emit a foul odor and leave a stain. The dust produced from an accumulation of dead Asian lady beetle adults behind wall voids may incite allergies or asthma in people. Although there are some sprays available, the use of insecticides is not recommended for indoors.

Homeowners that want to avoid dealing with overwintering beetles entering their homes can hire a pest management professional to treat the points of entry on the building exterior with a pyrethroid insecticide. The treatments need to be made in late September or early October before the beetles enter the building to overwinter. Beetles that are feeding on fruit can be “controlled” with insecticides commonly labeled for use on fruit trees.

Submitted by:

Raymond A. Cloyd

Professor and Extension Specialist in Horticultural Entomology/Plant Protection

Department of Entomology

Kansas State University

123 Waters Hall

Manhattan, KS 66506-4004

Phone: 785-532-4750

Fax: 785-532-6232

Email: rcloyd@ksu.edu





Golf Course Maintenance in South Korea and the Presidents Cup

An interview with Jim Prusa, Director of Golf Courses and Laboratory for Sky 72 Golf, and Jay Sporl, Agronomist with the PGA TOUR who helped oversee the grow in for the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club Korea, where the Presidents Cup will be held in 2015. Interview is for the HORT 517 Golf Course and Sports Turf Operations class at Kansas State University taught by Dr. Jack Fry.


Not so mysterious “Itching” (Oak Leaf Itch Mite)

(By Dr. Bob Bauernfeind: KSU Entomology)

Whereas scratching an itch sometimes provides satisfying (almost pleasurable) relief, at other times scratching an itch can be painful and distressing.  The latter situation is attributable to the mite, Pyemotes herfsi (Oudeman).

Unlike chiggers which have been long-recognized for producing annoying but fleeting bouts of itchiness, mysterious “bites” causing raised quarter-sized reddened areas each with a centralized pinhead-size blister were of widespread occurrence in 2004 in various Midwestern states.



Through investigative studies, the aforementioned Pyemotes herfsi mites were identified as being responsible for the mysterious bites.  Although the existence of these mites had been well known for multiple decades, the correlation between them and reported widespread occurrences of human discomfort was unknown.  The severity of the 2004 outbreaks resulted in cooperative efforts between K-State and the University of Nebraska entomologists, the resultant being the identification of Pyemotes herfsi as responsible for the stressful skin disorders.

Pyemotes herfsi were recovered from marginal fold galls on (primarily) pin oak leaves.  Marginal galls are associated with the larvae/maggots of tiny midges.  That is, Pyemotes herfsi prey upon the midge larvae.  The following side-by-side close-up images show an intact marginal gall, and a dissected gall revealing female Pyemotes herfsi.  Despite their small size, they become readily visible due to their bulbous abdomens which can contain up to 200 offspring.



Due to their minuscule size compared to that of midge larvae, Pyemotes herfsipossess a potent neurotoxin used to paralyze their maggot hosts.  This toxin is that which is responsible for initiating the skin irritations which cause discomfort in individuals upon which Pyemotes herfsi happen to come in contact with.  Because Pyemotes herfsi are associated with the midge larvae responsible for marginal galls on oak leaves, Pyemotes herfsi have been given the common name, Oak Leaf Itch Mite.  It is believed that oak leaf itch mites also prey upon the larvae of another closely related midge species responsible for the formation of vein pocket galls on the undersides of oak leaves.  A full description of the oak leaf itch mite life cycle is available online by accessing Kansas State University Extension Publication MF2806.

The good news is that oak leaf itch mite populations may be extremely low or absent for years-on-end —— people can enjoy the outdoors without having to contend with oak leaf itch mite encounters.  The bad news is that the reappearance/resurgence of oak leaf itch mite populations is unpredictable. There are various unknown factors as to the whys-and-where their populations are and when they will surge.  Undoubtedly there are ever-present reservoir populations of oak leaf itch mites, but, where are they?  Possibly a major factor for population explosions is contingent on fluctuating populations of the appropriate gall midges responsible for the formation of  marginal galls and/or vein pocket galls.  An intriguing question then would be, “How do the tiny mites detect and move to the galls up in tree canopies?”

More bad news:  Each female oak leaf itch mite produces many progeny.  And the developmental cycle is reported to be just 7 days.  The resultant is the production of uncountable numbers of oak leaf itch mites which ultimately leave the confines of leaf galls. Passive dispersal via air currents is the bane to people, especially those in neighborhoods where pin oaks constitute the main trees species.

The bad news continues: There is a wide time frame during which encounters with oak leaf itch mite might occur.  It is not only the initial late summer encounters, but the presence of oak leaf itch mites extending well into the fall when people are raking leaves and kids having fun playing in leaf piles.

And if this is not enough negativity regarding oak leaf itch mites, there is little to be done (well, actually nothing to be done) in treating and reducing/eliminating their populations.  THEY WILL HAVE THEIR WAY!

 The people who are most likely to encounter oak leaf itch mites will be those in living in areas/neighborhoods where oaks (again, especially pin oaks) are the dominant tree species.  When oak leaf itch mite populations are excessive, restricting outdoor activities is one method of reducing the risk of exposure.  While the use of repellents may work against annoying insect species which actively seek a host, repellents have little effect against oak leaf itch mites which are passively dispersed, and lack the ability to alter their course/direction.  It has been suggested that susceptible individuals (yes, some people do not have negative reactions to oak leaf itch mite bites) spend as little outdoor time as possible.  And showers immediately upon returning indoors might eliminate/wash off mites before they bite and cause reactions.

Individuals experiencing oak leaf itch mite encounters might utilize medications and lotions so designed to provide relief from itching discomfort as well as secondary infections of excoriated areas.  Seek advice and recommendations from appropriate personnel.

Who has oak itch mite bites? I do! :(

(Megan Kennelly)


Why am I making a sand-and-grumpy face? I have two itch mite bites on my neck that are driving me bonkers.

As we move into more fall weather, with raking around the corner, here’s one more reminder to be careful about those itch mites, in case you missed Jared’s recent article (https://blogs.k-state.edu/turf/hot-holiday-weekend-didnt-slow-down-the-oak-leak-itch-mite/)

They itch and sting, and are highly annoying, and I think the worst case scenario would be little kids getting into them. Little kids don’t know how to resist scratching, and if they scratch until they break skin they can get secondary infections. Last year around this time we were at the pediatrician with our own son for his checkup, and the doc said he had seen lots of kids with mystery itchy bites. He didn’t know about itch mites, so I gave him some info.

Despite trying to stay away from our pin oak, I’ve got some bites on me from this weekend. I mean, it’s impossible to totally avoid an entire part of our yard, and it’s not practical to change my clothes and shower 3x a day when we are out trying to enjoy the weather. Plus, there are lots of pin oaks in our neighborhood and so on windy days I’m sure they are blowing all over, no matter where we go.

Last year, before we knew what was going on with the itch mites, my poor husband did some raking and playing in the pin oak leaves and ended up with EIGHTY bites. Luckily my son was NOT involved in that process, and he escaped unscathed. We kept him away from pin oak leaves all fall. We raked those spots when he was napping and wasn’t around to “help.”

Here’s one in the crook of my elbow – they often (but not always) have a raised pimply/blister appearance like you see here. On me, the bites last much longer than mosquito bites do.


You don’t want itch mites. You don’t want to be making grumpy faces. Be careful around those pin oaks!

Disclaimer – I’m not a dermatologist! If you have a mystery rash that is causing problems, you should get it checked out. This post is just a reminder that itch mites are active.

Here’s a reminder of the symptom on the tree:


A little midge does the leaf rolling, and the mite feeds on the midge. But, sometimes the mites fall/blow out of the tree onto US.

If it’s any consolation – we are a “dead end host” and they won’t spread further once they’ve been on us.

Hot Holiday Weekend Didn’t Slow Down the Oak Leak Itch Mite

(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

Do you have a Pin Oak tree close by to your house? Well, if you do then you are a prime target for the Oak Leaf Itch Mite.  I was outside this past weekend and this morning I found little red bites on my skin with a tiny little blister in the middle.  I remembered this time last year the same thing happened to me and it was the Oak Leaf Itch Mite. After getting bit there isn’t much you can do other than use some anti-itch cream and try not to scratch the bites, that will make it worse.

I wrote a blog post about this last year but I wanted to let everyone know that with fall right around the corner and everyone picking up leaves be aware that you might find some bug bites on your skin.  Definitely don’t let you kids jump in the pile of leaves, especially if you have oak trees.

Below is some more information about Oak Leaf Itch Mites and what to do about them.

Three Quick Facts about Itch Mites:

1. The itch mites are microscopic and can not be seen by the naked eye.

2. DEET or other bug repellents will not prevent you from getting bit.

3. Itch mites can not live in your home.

Here is a link to the post from last year (with pictures):


KSU Entomology has an article here (scroll down to see):


and a fact sheet here:

and here is some more info:


Reports of fall armyworms are coming in!

(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

I have just received my first report of Fall Armyworms this year.  Last year we experienced a couple areas that had some damage but wasn’t very wide spread.  So to keep us prepared the link below goes to information about armyworm control that I put together last year.



Keep a look out for fall armyworms.  A couple of reports have been around the Derby, KS area and have already caused some damage to tall fescue turf. These armyworms were already 1 to 1.5″ long.

Keep an eye out!

2015 KSU Turfgrass Research Reports Now Online!

(By Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

Every year all the KSU Turfgrass Faculty, Staff, and Students prepare research reports for all the turfgrass managers out there.  The 2015 Edition is now ONLINE!  There is information from new zoysiagrass varieties, buffalograss establishment, moss control to watering practices.

Check it out here!



Spring Time Turf Tips for Homeowners

(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

IMG_0586What a crazy Spring… It has been nice and mild with plenty of rainfall here in Manhattan.  But as soon as we start to complain about the rainfall we need to make sure that we are sticking to the basics when it comes to taking care of our home lawn.  In the recent Horticulture Newsletter, Ward Upham, talks about some of the issues that homeowners are facing with the cool and mild Spring including; how often to water the lawn, too wet to mow, Thatch control in warm season turfgrass, fertilizing warm season turfgrass, and more…

Check it out!



Diagnosing Turfgrass Issues

(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

Mystery Spot in Home Lawn
Mystery Spot in Home Lawn

Last year I wrote a post about some of the things I have learned while I have been in KS.  One thing was how hard it is to grow turfgrass in the north-western part of the transition zone.  And because it is hard to grow turfgrass here it is also hard to diagnose problems when they occur in our turfgrass systems.

So before we start talking about diagnosing turfgrass problems lets talk about how we are diagnosed when we are sick.  So one day you wake up and you don’t feel good.  You know your throat hurts, you have a fever so you go to the doctor.  While at the doctor’s office the doctor asks you questions like what hurts?, when did you start feeling bad?, have you taken any medicine?, etc.  So the doctor asks you questions to figure out what is wrong, Right? So you don’t just show up, sit down, and then say fix me. It is a process that you have to go through.

But after all the questions the doctor will prescribe you something to help you feel better. Maybe drink more fluids, get some rest, take some medicine, or all sorts of other remedies.  So you go home and start doing what the doctor tells you.  In about three days you still feel bad.  So you go back to the doctor and start it all over again.  And again you get your marching orders on how to feel better.  This time it worked and you are better.

That’s how we have to approach issues when they occur in turfgrass.  So many times I get a fuzzy picture and the question, “Why is my grass dead? Fix it!”  This is just like showing up at the doctor and saying “Fix me”.  So to properly diagnose a turfgrass issue some basic information is needed.

  1. What type of turfgrass do you have?
  2. What type of soil do you have?
  3. Is it a weed, disease, insect, or other issue?
  4. When did you first see what was going on? What time of year? How long has it been going on?
  5. Do you or someone else take care of the turfgrass? If someone else what do they do to the turf?
  6. What chemical or cultural practices have recently been conducted?
  7. What type of pattern is the damage? (uniform or random)
  8. Any other information?

I would recommend to have as much of the information as possible if you are really trying to figure out what is going on.  This way you can diagnose the issue quicker instead of having to go back and forth to finally get all the information for a proper diagnosis. That’s like having to go back to the doctor because the first diagnosis was incorrect because the doctor didn’t know all of the information.

Lastly, many times when you are gathering all this information, you end up solving the problem yourself!

***Mention of trade names or commercial products in this article is solely for identification purposes and does not imply recommendation or endorsement, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned by Kansas State University.***

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Also, visit our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/KSUTurf



New Tall Fescue Publication Now Online!

(by Jared Hoyle; KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

The new Tall Fescue Extension Publication is now online!  You can get it under the publications tab at:


or directly at this link!
