Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Don’t miss the Kansas Turfgrass Field Day August 2nd in Manhattan!

(By Jared Hoyle, KSU Turfgrass Research and Extension)

The Kansas Turfgrass Field Day will be held Thursday, August 2 at the Rocky Ford Turf Research Center in Manhattan.

You can register online at https://2018turfday.eventbrite.com

The field day program is designed for all segments of the turf industry – lawn care, athletic fields, golf courses, and grounds maintenance. Included on the program are research presentations, problem diagnosis, commercial exhibitors, and equipment displays. There will be time to see current research, talk to the experts and get answers to your questions.

Pesticide recertification credits in 3A and 3B are available, as well as GCSAA education points.

Would you like to be a vendor at field day?

For more information check out The Kansas Turfgrass Foundation Website – http://www.kansasturfgrassfoundation.com/annual-ktf-field-day.html